Edited rofi theme after system upgrade due to inconsistent sizing of
[my-dotfiles.git] / rofi / blackpearl / powermenu.rasi
1 /*
2 * BLACKPEARL appsmenu rofi theme
3 * tested on a 1366x768 screen
4 */
6 /* IMPORTS */
7 @import "shared/settings.rasi"
8 @import "shared/reset.rasi"
11 #scrollbar {
12 enabled: false;
13 }
14 #window {
15 font: "Hurmit Nerd Font Mono 75";
16 fullscreen: true;
17 transparency: "real";
18 background-color: @bg-trans;
19 }
20 #mainbox {
21 children: [ listview ];
22 border: 0;
23 padding: 0;
24 }
25 #listview {
26 columns: 5;
27 lines: 1;
28 expand: false;
29 cycle: true;
30 spacing: 50px;
31 padding: 284px 163px;
32 orientation: horizontal;
33 }
34 #element {
35 border: 1;
36 border-radius: 24;
37 border-color: @accent;
38 text-color: @accent;
39 background-color: @bg;
40 orientation: vertical;
41 padding: 30 50 30;
42 horizontal-align: 0.5;
43 vertical-align: 0.5;
44 }
45 #element.selected {
46 text-color: @bg;
47 background-color: @accent;
48 }