descriptionThe theme for my website
last changeFri, 17 Mar 2023 14:32:24 +0000 (15:32 +0100)
2023-03-17  danixfixed images display on smaller screens master
2023-03-17  danixfixed images display inside a figure element, aka when...
2023-03-17  danixgallery masonry is mostly working now. Still needs...
2023-03-14  danixfixed the figure shortcode to play well with our img...
2023-03-12  danixfixed issues with images not showing up in header on...
2023-03-11  danixworking on the header image. Still does't show images...
2023-03-10  danixadded gallery shortcodes. added formatting shortcodes...
2023-03-09  danixadded list page for categories
2023-03-07  danixadded actions shortcode.
2023-03-07  danixchanged type 'post' to type 'article' for single articles.
2023-03-07  danixinitial setup of related content inside single articles...
2023-03-07  danixstill working on the curriculum page. Added signature...
2023-03-05  danixinitial styling of the print stylesheet. Needs working.
2023-03-03  danixadded curriculum section. Needs working.
2023-03-03  daniximproved styling of 404 page.
2023-03-01  danixadded gpg key in footer
13 months ago master