gallery masonry is mostly working now. Still needs some aestetical retouching and...
[] / layouts / shortcodes / img.html
2b5a1947 1{{/*
2 Taken from
5{{- $respSizes := .Site.Params.imageSizes -}}
6{{- $src := .Get "src" -}}
7{{- $source := resources.Get $src -}}
8{{- $alt := .Get "alt" -}}
85782679 9{{- $divClass := .Get "divClass" -}}
2b5a1947 10{{/*
11 The styling in $imgClass, below, makes
12 an image fill the container horizontally
13 and adjust its height automatically
14 for that, and then fade in for the LQIP effect.
15 Feel free to adjust your CSS/SCSS as desired.
17{{- $imgClass := "w-full h-auto animate-fade" -}}
18{{- $dataSzes := "(min-width: 1024px) 100vw, 50vw" -}}
20 Now we'll create the 20-pixel-wide LQIP
21 and turn it into Base64-encoded data, which
22 is better for performance and caching.
24{{- $LQIP_img := $source.Resize "20x jpg" -}}
25{{- $LQIP_b64 := $LQIP_img.Content | base64Encode -}}
27 $CFPstyle is for use in styling
28 the div's background, as you'll see shortly.
85782679 30{{- $CFPstyle := printf "%s%s%s%v%s%v%s" "background: url(data:image/jpeg;base64," $LQIP_b64 "); background-size: cover; background-repeat: no-repeat; width: " $source.Width "px; height: " $source.Height "px;" -}}
2b5a1947 31{{/*
32 Then, we create a 640-pixel-wide JPG
33 of the image. This will serve as the
34 "fallback" image for that tiny percentage
35 of browsers that don't understand the
36 HTML `picture` tag.
38{{- $actualImg := $source.Resize "640x jpg" -}}
85782679 39<div class="picture{{with $divClass}} {{.}}{{end}}" style="{{ $CFPstyle | safeCSS }}">
2b5a1947 40{{/*
41 Now we'll build the `picture` which modern
42 browsers use to decide which image, and
43 which format thereof, to show. Remember to
44 put `webp` first, since the browser will use
45 the first format it **can** use, and WebP files
46 usually are smaller. After WebP, the fallback
47 is the universally safe JPG format.
85782679 49 <a href="{{ $source.RelPermalink }}">
50 <picture>
51 <source
52 type="image/webp"
53 srcset="
54 {{- with $respSizes -}}
55 {{- range $i, $e := $respSizes -}}
56 {{- if ge $source.Width . -}}
57 {{- if $i }}, {{ end -}}{{- ($source.Resize (printf "%vx%v" $e " webp") ).RelPermalink }} {{ . }}w
58 {{- end -}}
2b5a1947 59 {{- end -}}
85782679 60 {{- end -}}"
61 sizes="{{ $dataSzes }}"
62 />
63 <source
64 type="image/jpeg"
65 srcset="
66 {{- with $respSizes -}}
67 {{- range $i, $e := . -}}
68 {{- if ge $source.Width . -}}
69 {{- if $i }}, {{ end -}}{{- ($source.Resize (printf "%vx%v" . " jpg") ).RelPermalink }} {{ . }}w
70 {{- end -}}
2b5a1947 71 {{- end -}}
85782679 72 {{- end -}}"
73 sizes="{{ $dataSzes }}"
74 />
75 <img class="{{ $imgClass }}"
76 src="{{ $actualImg.RelPermalink }}"
77 width="640"
78 alt="{{ $alt }}"
79 loading="lazy"
80 />
81 </picture>
82 </a>
2b5a1947 83</div>