Edited rofi theme after system upgrade due to inconsistent sizing of
[my-dotfiles.git] / rofi / blackpearl / shared / settings.rasi
fdd76fc5 1configuration {
a443d3fd 2 modi: "run,window,drun,ssh";
fdd76fc5 3 font: "Droid Sans Mono 12";
fdd76fc5 4 drun-display-format: "{icon} <span weight='light' size='small'><i>{name}</i></span>";
5 display-drun: "Apps";
6 show-icons: true;
a443d3fd 7 icon-theme: "MB-Mango-Suru-GLOW";
8 drun-match-fields: "name,generic,exec,category";
fdd76fc5 9 hide-scrollbar: true;
10 cycle: true;
a443d3fd 11/* fullscreen: true;*/
fdd76fc5 12 sidebar-mode: false;
13 terminal: "urxvt";
14 ssh-client: "ssh";
15 ssh-command: "{terminal} -e {ssh-client} {host}";
16 run-command: "{cmd}";
17 run-shell-command: "{terminal} -e {cmd}";
18 cache-dir: "/home/danix/.cache/";