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[danixland-contact-form.git] / readme.txt
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1=== danixland contact form ===
2Contributors: danixland
3Donate link:
4Tags: contact form, shortcode, custom template
5Requires at least: 4.0
6Tested up to: 4.9.6
7Stable tag: 1.2
8License: GPLv2 or later
9License URI:
11A secure, simple yet powerful contact form for your website.
13== Description ==
15**danixland-contact-form** is a very simple and secure contact form plugin, it provides a shortcode to include your plugin inside a page and you can style it the way you want (it comes with absolutely no styles attached to it). This plugin follows all WordPress security standards and will be continuously improved in order to make it even safer.
17This contact form plugin ships with a **working html template** for your emails, and has a filter that allows you to use your own template in case you need it. It's perfect for a customer's website, so that you can give them an email look that's consistent with the look of their website. It makes use of [Genericons]( "by Automattic") and ships with the latest version available.
19The entire plugin is **translation ready** and ships with an italian translation, together with a .POT file to help you translate it in every language you may need.
21== Installation ==
231. Upload the plugin files to the `/wp-content/plugins/danixland-contact-form` directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
241. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress
251. Use the `Contact Form` admin screen to configure the plugin.
261. Create a page to hold your plugin and add the `[dnx_contactform]` shortcode to display the form. If you need you can insert other text before or after the shortcode.
29== Frequently Asked Questions ==
31= Is it possible to display a map on the form page? =
33Starting from version 1.1.1 you can provide geo coordinates and the plugin will show a map on the form page. From version 1.2 the plugin will require a Gmaps API key in order for the map to show up
35= Is it possible to include a privacy policy with the contact form? =
37Inside the `Contact Form` admin screen you can provide your own Privacy Policy and it will show up before the form itself.
39= How can I style the plugin to look like my theme? =
41every tag that's in the plugin output has either a class or an id attached to it, so that you can style it the way you want it.
43= I'm stuck with your plugin and don't seem to be able to customize it/make it work, can you help me? =
45Of course, you can ask for help on [the forums]( or write a comment on the main article for this plugin on [my site](, I'll reply ASAP ;)
47= I'd like this plugin to be translated in my language, can you do this for me? =
49**danixland contact form** ships with a .POT file that can be used to create a translation of the plugin in your language, so if you're familiar with english you can help by providing a translation and it will be added to future versions of the plugin along with a link to your profile on these pages ;)
51To provide a translation simply edit the file "danixland-contact-form.pot" and fill every line with the traduction in your language, then save it as *yourlanguagecode.po* (E.G. it_IT.po for Italian), then contact me via the forums or my site and I'll tell you how to send this file to me. I'll add your translation ASAP.
53A number of softwares exists to help you with .po files, like [POEdit]( or [Lokalize]( "for kde users")
55####If you have any other questions feel free to ask
57== Screenshots ==
591. The shortcode button as seen in the `new Page` of the admin area.
602. The admin area menu with the `Contact Form` option selected and a part of the plugin settings page.
613. One of the options in the plugin settings page, this one allows you to choose if you want to receive html or plain text emails.
624. The privacy policy as seen inside the page on the TwentyFifteen theme.
635. Some of the inputs as seen on the TwentyFifteen theme. Here you can see the use of Genericons for the labels.
646. A view of the map as seen on the TwentyFifteen theme.
66== Changelog ==
68= 1.2 =
69* The plugin now complies with the new API requirements from Google, so you'll need an API Key in order for the plugin to display a map on the form
71= 1.1.1 =
72* The plugin now allows you to display a map on the form page to let the users know where your activity is located.
74= 1.0 =
75* This is the first public release on the WordPress plugin directory.
77== Upgrade Notice ==
79= 1.2 =
80* Upgrade and don't forget to visit [the documentation on Google API Keys]( in order to get your API Key and start showing your maps
82= 1.1.1 =
83* We changed the database structure to accomodate for more options, so it is advised to update and enjoy the new functionalities offered by the latest version of the plugin.
85== ToDo list ==
87This list is actually empty, but I'm open to suggestions.
89== Translations ==
91**danixland-contact-form** ships in English language with an optional Italian translation and a .POT template. If you want to contribute your own translation contact me and I'll add it.