[bash-notes.git] / notes.sh
1 #! /bin/bash
3 # bash-notes © 2023 by danix is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0.
4 # To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/
6 # to debug the script run it like:
7 # DEBUG=true notes.sh ...
8 # and check /tmp/debug_bash-notes.log
9 if [[ $DEBUG == true ]]; then
10 exec 5> /tmp/debug_bash-notes.log
12 PS4='$LINENO: '
13 set -x
14 fi
16 PID=$$
17 BASENAME=$( basename "$0" )
18 NOW=$(date +%s)
20 VERSION="0.4git"
23 set_defaults() {
24 # Binaries to use
25 JQ=${JQ:-/usr/bin/jq}
26 EDITOR=${EDITOR:-/usr/bin/vim}
27 TERMINAL=${TERMINAL:-/usr/bin/alacritty}
28 # Git binary only used if $USEGIT is true - See below
29 GIT=${GIT:-/usr/bin/git}
30 # add options for your terminal. Remember to add the last option to execute
31 # your editor program, otherwise the script will fail.
32 # see example in the addnote function
33 TERM_OPTS="--class notes --title notes -e "
34 # Setting PAGER here overrides whatever is set in your default shell
35 # comment this option to use your default pager if set in your shell.
36 PAGER=${PAGER:-/usr/bin/more}
38 # set this to true to have output in plain text
39 # or use the -p option on the command line before every other option
40 PLAIN=false
41 # base directory for program files
42 BASEDIR=${BASEDIR:-~/.local/share/bash-notes}
43 # notes database in json format
44 DB=${BASEDIR}/db.json
45 # directory containing the actual notes
50 # If you want to store your notes in a git repository set this to true
51 USEGIT=true
52 # Address of your remote repository
54 # How long should we wait (in seconds) between sync on the git remote. Default 3600 (1 hour)
56 # The name of this client. Defaults to the output of hostname
59 } # end set_defaults, do not change this line.
61 set_defaults
63 # Do not edit below this point
64 RCFILE=${RCFILE:-~/.config/bash-notes.rc}
65 TMPDB=/tmp/db.json
67 if [ ! -x "$JQ" ]; then
68 echo "jq not found in your PATH"
69 echo "install jq to continue"
70 exit 1
71 fi
74 if [[ -f $RCFILE ]]; then
75 # shellcheck disable=SC1090
76 source "$RCFILE"
77 fi
79 # We prevent the program from running more than one instance:
80 PIDFILE=/var/tmp/$(basename "$0" .sh).pid
82 # Make sure the PID file is removed when we kill the process
83 trap 'rm -f $PIDFILE; exit 1' TERM INT
85 if [[ -r $PIDFILE ]]; then
86 # PIDFILE exists, so I guess there's already an instance running
87 # let's kill it and run again
88 # shellcheck disable=SC2046,SC2086
89 kill -s 15 $(cat $PIDFILE) > /dev/null 2>&1
90 # should already be deleted by trap, but just to be sure
91 rm "$PIDFILE"
92 fi
94 # create PIDFILE
95 echo $PID > "$PIDFILE"
97 # Export config to file
98 export_config() {
99 if [ -r ${RCFILE} ]; then
100 echo "Backing up current '${RCFILE}'...."
101 mv -f ${RCFILE} ${RCFILE}.$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M)
102 fi
103 echo "Writing '${RCFILE}'...."
104 sed -n '/^set_defaults() {/,/^} # end set_defaults, do not change this line./p' $0 \
105 | grep -v set_defaults \
106 | sed -e 's/^\([^=]*\)=\${\1:-\([^}]*\)}/\1=\2/' \
107 > ${RCFILE}
108 if [ -r ${RCFILE} ]; then
109 echo "Taking no further action."
110 exit 0
111 else
112 echo "Could not write '${RCFILE}'...!"
113 exit 1
114 fi
115 }
117 # we should expand on this function to add a sample note and explain a little bit
118 # how the program works.
119 firstrun() {
120 [ -f $RCFILE ] && RC=$RCFILE || RC="none"
122 clear
123 echo "${BASENAME} configuration:
125 base directory: ${BASEDIR}/
126 notes archive: ${NOTESDIR}/
127 notes database: ${DB}
128 rc file: $RC
129 text editor: ${EDITOR}
130 terminal: ${TERMINAL}
131 jq executable: ${JQ}
132 "
134 echo "Now I'll create the needed files and directories."
135 read -r -p "Do you wish to continue? (y/N) " ANSWER
136 case $ANSWER in
137 y|Y )
138 mkdir -p $NOTESDIR
139 cat << __EOL__ > ${DB}
140 {
141 "params": {
142 "version": "${VERSION}",
143 "dbversion": "${DBVERSION}"
144 },
145 "git": {
146 "lastpull": ""
147 },
148 "notes": []
149 }
150 __EOL__
151 echo; echo "All done, you can now write your first note."
152 ;;
153 * )
154 echo "No changes made. Exiting"
155 exit
156 ;;
157 esac
158 }
160 # check for notes dir existance and create it in case it doesn't exists
161 if [[ ! -d $NOTESDIR ]]; then
162 # we don't have a directory. FIRST RUN?
163 firstrun
164 fi
165 # check if input is a number, returns false or the number itself
166 check_noteID() {
167 IN=$1
168 case $IN in
169 ''|*[!0-9]*)
170 return 1
171 ;;
172 *)
173 echo "$IN"
174 ;;
175 esac
176 }
178 helptext() {
179 echo "Usage:"
180 echo " $0 [PARAMS] [note ID]..."
181 echo ""
182 echo "${BASENAME} parameters are:"
183 echo -e " -h | --help\t\t\t: This help text"
184 echo -e " -p | --plain\t\t\t: Output is in plain text"
185 echo -e "\t\t\t\t (without this option the output is formatted)"
186 echo -e "\t\t\t\t (this option must precede all others)"
187 echo -e " -l | --list\t\t\t: List existing notes"
188 echo -e " -a | --add=[\"<title>\"]\t: Add new note"
189 echo -e " -e | --edit=[<note>]\t\t: Edit note"
190 echo -e " -d | --delete=[<note> | all] : Delete single note or all notes at once"
191 echo -e " -s | --show=[<note>]\t\t: Display note using your favourite PAGER"
192 echo -e " -r | --restore=[<dir>]\t: Restore a previous backup from dir"
193 echo -e " -v | --version\t\t: Print version"
194 echo -e " --userconf\t\t\t: Export User config file"
195 echo -e " --backup [<dest>]\t\t: Backup your data in your destination folder"
196 echo ""
197 echo -e "if a non option is passed and is a valid note ID, the note will be displayed."
198 }
200 configtext() {
201 cat << __NOWCONF__
202 ${BASENAME} configuration is:
204 base directory: ${BASEDIR}/
205 notes archive: ${NOTESDIR}/
206 notes database: ${DB}
207 rc file: $RCFILE
208 debug file: /tmp/debug_bash-note.log
210 text editor: ${EDITOR}
211 terminal: ${TERMINAL}
212 jq executable: ${JQ}
214 __NOWCONF__
216 }
218 # this function returns a random 2 words title
219 random_title() {
220 # Constants
221 X=0
222 DICT=/usr/share/dict/words
223 OUTPUT=""
225 # total number of non-random words available
226 COUNT=$(cat $DICT | wc -l)
228 # while loop to generate random words
229 while [ "$X" -lt 2 ]
230 do
231 RAND=$(od -N3 -An -i /dev/urandom | awk -v f=0 -v r="$COUNT" '{printf "%i\n", f + r * $1 / 16777216}')
232 OUTPUT+="$(sed `echo $RAND`"q;d" $DICT)"
233 (("X = X + 1"))
234 [[ $X -eq 1 ]] && OUTPUT+=" "
235 done
237 echo $OUTPUT
238 }
240 # check if GITCLIENT has been set or set it to the output of hostname
241 if [ -z $GITCLIENT ]; then
242 GITCLIENT=$( hostname )
243 fi
244 # returns true if the argument provided directory is a git repository
245 is_git_repo() {
246 DIR=$1
247 if [[ -d $DIR ]]; then
248 cd $DIR
249 if git rev-parse 2>/dev/null; then
250 true
251 else
252 false
253 fi
254 fi
255 }
257 # sync local repository to remote
258 gitsync() {
259 if [[ $USEGIT && -n $GITREMOTE ]]; then
260 NOWSYNC=$(date +%s)
261 # LASTSYNC is the last time we synced to the remote, or 0 if it's the first time.
262 LASTSYNC=$($JQ -r '.git["lastpull"] // 0' "$DB")
263 [ $PLAIN == false ] && echo "Syncing notes with git on remote \"$GITREMOTE\""
265 if (( $SYNCDIFF > $GITSYNCDELAY )); then
266 #more than our delay time has passed. We can sync again.
267 $JQ --arg n "$NOWSYNC" '.git["lastpull"] = $n' "$DB" > $TMPDB
268 mv $TMPDB $DB
269 cd $BASEDIR
270 $GIT pull
271 else
272 # Last synced less than $GITSYNCDELAY seconds ago. We shall wait
273 [ $PLAIN == false ] && echo "Last synced less than $GITSYNCDELAY seconds ago. We shall wait"
274 fi
275 else
276 # no git, so we just keep going
277 true
278 fi
279 }
281 # add note to git and push it to remote
282 gitadd() {
283 if [[ $USEGIT && -n $GITREMOTE ]]; then
284 [ $PLAIN == false ] && echo "Adding note to remote \"$GITREMOTE\""
285 cd $BASEDIR
286 $GIT add .
287 $GIT commit -m "$(basename $0) - adding note from ${GITCLIENT}"
288 $GIT push origin master
289 else
290 # no git, so we just keep going
291 true
292 fi
293 }
295 # check for USEGIT and subsequent variables
296 if [[ $USEGIT && -n $GITREMOTE ]]; then
297 # GIT is a go.
298 if ! is_git_repo $BASEDIR; then
299 # initializing git repository
300 cd $BASEDIR
301 $GIT init
302 echo "adding all files to git"
303 $GIT add .
304 $GIT commit -m "$(basename $0) - initial commit from ${GITCLIENT}"
305 $GIT remote add origin $GITREMOTE
306 $GIT push -u origin master
307 fi
308 elif [[ $USEGIT && -z $GITREMOTE ]]; then
309 echo "GITREMOTE variable not set. reverting USEGIT to false"
310 USEGIT=false
311 fi
313 addnote() {
314 # attempt syncing before adding a note
315 gitsync
316 # remove eventually existing temp DB file
317 if [[ -f $TMPDB ]]; then
318 rm $TMPDB
319 fi
321 RTITLE=$(random_title)
322 [[ -z "$1" ]] && NOTETITLE="$RTITLE" || NOTETITLE="$1"
323 echo "adding new note - \"$NOTETITLE\""
324 # shellcheck disable=SC2086
325 LASTID=$($JQ '.notes[-1].id // 0 | tonumber' $DB)
326 # [ "" == $LASTID ] && LASTID=0
327 NOTEID=$(( LASTID + 1 ))
328 # shellcheck disable=SC2086
329 touch ${NOTESDIR}/${NOW}
330 # shellcheck disable=SC2016
331 $JQ --arg i "$NOTEID" --arg t "$NOTETITLE" --arg f "$NOW" '.notes += [{"id": $i, "title": $t, "file": $f}]' "$DB" > $TMPDB
332 # shellcheck disable=SC2086
333 mv $TMPDB $DB
334 # example for alacritty:
335 # alacritty --class notes --title notes -e /usr/bin/vim ...
336 # shellcheck disable=SC2086,SC2091
338 # add note to git and push to remote
339 gitadd
340 }
341 backup_data() {
342 BACKUPDIR="$1"
343 echo "backing up data in $BACKUPDIR"
346 if [ -d $BACKUPDIR ]; then
347 if [ $(/bin/ls -A $BACKUPDIR) ]; then
348 echo "$BACKUPDIR is not empty. Cannot continue"
349 exit
350 else
351 echo "$BACKUPDIR is ok. Continuing!"
352 fi
353 else
354 # BACKUPDIR doesn't exists
355 echo "$BACKUPDIR doesn't exists"
356 read -r -p "Do you want me to create it for you? (y/N) " ANSWER
357 case $ANSWER in
358 y|Y )
359 mkdir -p $BACKUPDIR
360 ;;
361 * )
362 echo "No changes made. Exiting"
363 exit
364 ;;
365 esac
366 fi
367 # ok, we have a backup directory
368 if [ -r $RCFILE ]; then
369 BCKUP_COMM=$(rsync -avz --progress ${RCFILE}* ${BASEDIR}/ ${BACKUPDIR})
370 else
371 BCKUP_COMM=$(rsync -avz --progress ${BASEDIR}/ ${BACKUPDIR})
372 fi
373 # run the command
374 if [ "$BCKUP_COMM" ]; then
375 echo -e "All files backed up."
376 echo -e "BACKUP directory:\t$BACKUPDIR"
377 tree $BACKUPDIR | $PAGER
378 echo; echo "BACKUP COMPLETED"
379 fi
380 }
382 backup_restore() {
383 BACKUPDIR="$1"
384 echo "restoring backup from $BACKUPDIR"
385 echo "This will overwrite all your notes and configurations with the backup."
386 read -r -p "Do you want to continue? (y/N) " ANSWER
387 case $ANSWER in
388 y|Y )
389 # restoring rc file
390 BACKUPRC=$(basename $RCFILE)
391 if [ -r ${BACKUPDIR}/${BACKUPRC} ]; then
392 if [ -r ${RCFILE} ]; then
393 echo "Backing up current '${RCFILE}'...."
394 mv -f ${RCFILE} ${RCFILE}.$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M)
395 fi
396 cp --verbose ${BACKUPDIR}/${BACKUPRC} $RCFILE
397 fi
398 # restoring notes directory
399 if [ -d $BACKUPDIR/notes ]; then
400 if [ $(/bin/ls -A $NOTESDIR) ]; then
401 rm --verbose $NOTESDIR/*
402 fi
403 cp -r --verbose $BACKUPDIR/notes $BASEDIR
404 fi
405 # restoring database
406 BACKUPDB=$(basename $DB)
407 if [ -f ${BACKUPDIR}/${BACKUPDB} ]; then
408 if [ -r ${DB} ]; then
409 echo "Backing up current '${DB}'...."
410 mv -f ${DB} ${DB}.$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M)
411 fi
412 cp --verbose ${BACKUPDIR}/${BACKUPDB} $DB
413 fi
414 # restoring git repo subdirectory
415 if [ -d $BACKUPDIR/.git ]; then
416 if [ /bin/ls -A ${BASEDIR}/.git ]; then
417 rm -rf ${BASEDIR}/.git
418 fi
419 cp -r --verbose ${BACKUPDIR}/.git ${BASEDIR}/
420 fi
421 ;;
422 * )
423 echo "No changes made. Exiting"
424 exit
425 ;;
426 esac
427 }
429 editnote() {
430 NOTE=$1
431 # shellcheck disable=SC2155
432 local OK=$(check_noteID "$NOTE")
433 if [ ! "$OK" ]; then
434 echo "invalid note \"$NOTE\""
435 echo "Use the note ID that you can fetch after listing your notes"
436 exit 1
437 fi
439 # shellcheck disable=SC2016,SC2086
440 TITLE=$($JQ --arg i $OK '.notes[] | select(.id == $i) | .title' $DB)
441 # shellcheck disable=SC2016,SC2086
442 FILE=$($JQ -r --arg i $OK '.notes[] | select(.id == $i) | .file' $DB)
443 if [ "$TITLE" ]; then
444 echo "editing note $TITLE"
445 # shellcheck disable=SC2086,SC2091
447 else
448 echo "note not found"
449 exit 1
450 fi
451 }
452 listnotes() {
453 # attempt syncing before listing all notes
454 gitsync
455 # [ $PLAIN == true ] && echo "output is plain text" || echo "output is colored"
456 if [[ $(ls -A "$NOTESDIR") ]]; then
457 if [ $PLAIN == false ]; then
458 echo "listing all notes"
459 echo ""
460 fi
461 [ $PLAIN == false ] && echo "[ID] [TITLE] [CREATED]"
462 for i in "${NOTESDIR}"/*; do
463 # shellcheck disable=SC2155
464 local fname=$(basename $i)
465 DATE=$(date -d @${fname} +"%d/%m/%Y %R %z%Z")
466 # shellcheck disable=SC2016,SC2086
467 TITLE=$($JQ -r --arg z $(basename $i) '.notes[] | select(.file == $z) | .title' $DB)
468 # shellcheck disable=SC2016,SC2086
469 ID=$($JQ -r --arg z $(basename $i) '.notes[] | select(.file == $z) | .id' $DB)
470 [ $PLAIN == false ] && echo "[${ID}] ${TITLE} ${DATE}" || echo "${ID} - ${TITLE} - ${DATE}"
471 done
472 else
473 echo "no notes yet. You can add your first one with: ${BASENAME} -a \"your note title\""
474 fi
475 }
476 rmnote() {
477 # remove eventually existing temp DB file
478 if [[ -f $TMPDB ]]; then
479 rm $TMPDB
480 fi
482 NOTE=$1
483 if [ "all" == "$NOTE" ]; then
484 echo "You're going to delete all notes."
485 read -r -p "Do you wish to continue? (y/N) " ANSWER
486 case $ANSWER in
487 y|Y )
488 # shellcheck disable=SC2086
489 $JQ 'del(.notes[])' $DB > $TMPDB
490 # shellcheck disable=SC2086
491 mv $TMPDB $DB
492 # shellcheck disable=SC2086
493 rm $NOTESDIR/*
494 echo "Deleted all notes"
495 ;;
496 * )
497 echo "Aborting, no notes were deleted."
498 exit 1
499 ;;
500 esac
501 else
502 # shellcheck disable=SC2155
503 local OK=$(check_noteID "$NOTE")
504 if [ ! "$OK" ]; then
505 echo "invalid note \"$NOTE\""
506 echo "Use the note ID that you can fetch after listing your notes"
507 sleep 1
508 exit 1
509 fi
511 # shellcheck disable=SC2016,SC2086
512 TITLE=$($JQ --arg i $OK '.notes[] | select(.id == $i) | .title' $DB)
513 # shellcheck disable=SC2016,SC2086
514 FILE=$($JQ -r --arg i $OK '.notes[] | select(.id == $i) | .file' $DB)
515 if [ "$TITLE" ]; then
516 # shellcheck disable=SC2016,SC2086
517 $JQ -r --arg i $OK 'del(.notes[] | select(.id == $i))' $DB > $TMPDB
518 # shellcheck disable=SC2086
519 mv $TMPDB $DB
521 echo "Deleted note $TITLE"
522 sleep 1
523 exit
524 else
525 echo "note not found"
526 sleep 1
527 exit 1
528 fi
529 fi
530 }
531 shownote() {
532 NOTE=$1
534 # shellcheck disable=SC2155
535 local OK=$(check_noteID "$NOTE")
536 if [ ! "$OK" ]; then
537 echo "invalid note \"$NOTE\""
538 echo "Use the note ID that you can fetch after listing your notes"
539 exit 1
540 fi
542 FILE=$($JQ -r --arg i $OK '.notes[] | select(.id == $i) | .file' $DB)
544 if [ "$FILE" ]; then
546 fi
547 }
548 # shellcheck disable=SC2006
549 GOPT=$(getopt -o hvplr::a::e::d::s:: --long help,version,list,plain,userconf,sync,restore::,backup::,add::,edit::,delete::,show:: -n 'bash-notes' -- "$@")
551 # shellcheck disable=SC2181
552 if [ $? != 0 ] ; then helptext >&2 ; exit 1 ; fi
554 # Note the quotes around `$GOPT': they are essential!
555 eval set -- "$GOPT"
556 unset GOPT
558 while true; do
559 case "$1" in
560 -h | --help )
561 helptext
562 exit
563 ;;
564 -v | --version )
565 echo $BASENAME v${VERSION}
566 exit
567 ;;
568 -p | --plain )
569 PLAIN=true
570 shift
571 ;;
572 -l | --list )
573 listnotes
574 exit
575 ;;
576 -a | --add )
577 case "$2" in
578 '' )
579 read -r -p "Title: " TITLE
580 ;;
581 * )
582 TITLE=$2
583 ;;
584 esac
585 shift 2
586 addnote "$TITLE"
587 exit
588 ;;
589 -e | --edit )
590 case "$2" in
591 '' )
592 read -r -p "Note ID: " NOTE
593 ;;
594 * )
595 NOTE=$2
596 ;;
597 esac
598 shift 2
599 editnote "$NOTE"
600 exit
601 ;;
602 -d | --delete )
603 case "$2" in
604 '' )
605 read -r -p "Note ID: " NOTE
606 ;;
607 * )
608 NOTE=$2
609 ;;
610 esac
611 shift 2
612 rmnote "$NOTE"
613 exit
614 ;;
615 -s | --show )
616 case "$2" in
617 '' )
618 read -r -p "Note ID: " NOTE
619 ;;
620 * )
621 NOTE=$2
622 ;;
623 esac
624 shift 2
625 shownote "$NOTE"
626 exit
627 ;;
628 -r | --restore )
629 case "$2" in
630 '' )
631 read -r -p "Backup Dir: " RDIR
632 ;;
633 * )
634 RDIR=$2
635 ;;
636 esac
637 shift 2
638 backup_restore $RDIR
639 exit
640 ;;
641 --sync )
642 gitsync
643 exit
644 ;;
645 --userconf )
646 export_config
647 # shellcheck disable=SC2317
648 echo "config exported to \"$RCFILE\""
649 # shellcheck disable=SC2317
650 exit
651 ;;
652 --backup )
653 case "$2" in
654 '' )
655 read -r -p "Backup Dir: " BDIR
656 ;;
657 * )
658 BDIR=$2
659 ;;
660 esac
661 shift 2
662 backup_data $BDIR
663 exit
664 ;;
665 -- )
666 shift
667 break
668 ;;
669 * )
670 break
671 ;;
672 esac
673 done
675 for arg; do
676 if [ $(check_noteID $arg) ]; then
677 shownote $arg
678 else
679 helptext
680 exit
681 fi
682 done