descriptionA WordPress plugin that fetches and display stats about your hosted plugins
last changeMon, 1 Oct 2018 11:10:16 +0000 (13:10 +0200)
2018-10-01  danixfixed readme and changed stable version to 0.1 to publi... master
2018-07-30  danixadded js helper for the widgets.php page when the plugi...
2018-07-30  danixremoved i18n and js from the ignore-export list
2018-07-30  danixfixed error when including plugin textdomain as noted...
2018-07-28  danixadded .gitattributes to not export git files
2018-07-28  danixupdated details of plugin and readme.txt
2018-07-11  danixinitial commit
5 years ago master