descriptionA custom theme for rofi
last changeSun, 19 Mar 2023 11:12:38 +0000 (12:12 +0100)


A set of scripts for my personal Rofi theme. Follow the instructions and it should be pretty much drop and play, but it might need a little editing if your screen size is different or if you don't like the color scheme. The files are imported one on top of the other in a way similiar to Sass, so the screen resolution file and the color scheme file are in two separated files that can be tweaked without having to modify the whole theme.

Getting Started

Copy the content of the scripts directory wherever you put your personal scripts, I use ~/bin for my user scripts or /usr/local/bin for system wide scripts that can be used by all users on my system. In this case I have everything inside my home.

cp ~/Downloads/danixland-rofi/scripts/*.sh ~/bin chmod 755 ~/bin/danixland-*.sh

Now copy the content of the theme directory inside ~/.config/rofi/themename (change theme name to whatever you want to call it) and change "themename" to whatever you called it, inside every single bash script.

mkdir ~/.config/rofi/danixland cd ~/.config/rofi/danixland cp -R ~/Downloads/danixland-rofi/theme/* .

vim ~/bin/ If you want you can rename the scripts as well. It's up to you.

This theme uses the Hurmit Nerd Font for the icons you see on the buttons, if you want to use a different font you might need to adjust all the paddings. To check if an icon is available on the Hurmit Nerd Font you can go to Nerd Font Cheat Sheet website and search for it.


Of course you need rofi installed in your system.

In case you want to modify the theme you might need to have a look at the wiki on how rasi themes work, it's a dialect of CSS so it shouldn't be difficult.

Being familiar with bash scripting might be useful ;)

Does it looks like a bitch??!!

Here's what the theme looks like:

Some of these screenshots are old and you'll notice the icons are a bit offset and not very well centered. I fixed that inside the theme files.

The power menu

The power menu with shutdown, reboot, lock, suspend, close session options

The applications list

An application list with icons

The ssh quick connection list

rofi reads the config for ssh inside your home and gives you a menu with your connections.

The window list

A list of currently open windows, both for the local desktop or global.

The scrot menu

A simple scrot menu.

The utils menu

Some utility scripts that I run usually. Here you can see one to change the wallpaper and another one to start the local web server on my laptop.

Built With



This project is free to use. Take it and do whatever you want with it!!


2023-03-19  danixmodified: master
2023-03-19  danixupdated all my files for rofi
2019-10-01  danixfixed icons alignment for 2, 3 and 5 items menus.
2019-10-01  danixAdded warning regarding the icons not being centered...
2019-10-01  danixAdded few more infos on the Readme
2019-09-30  danixline-breaks are bitches
2019-09-30  danixstill fixing the readme
2019-09-30  danixAdded all screenshots to the readme file
2019-09-30  danixresized screenshots
2019-09-30  danixtesting the image view on the readme
2019-09-30  danixInitial commit. I'm fixing the readme RN!
14 months ago master