working on the blog listing page. Almost finished. Needs a few tweaks.
[] / layouts / partials / funcs / social-menu.html
1 {{ with .Site.Social }}
2 <div class="col-4 col-12-medium">
3 <ul class="footer-socials">
4 <li class="social-link social-spotify">
5 {{$spotify := "spotify"}}
6 <a href="{{ .spotify }}" target="_blank">{{ partial "funcs/svg.html" (dict "context" . "username" $spotify) }}</a>
7 </li>
8 <li class="social-link social-twitter">
9 {{$twitter := "twitter"}}
10 <a href="{{ .twitter }}" target="_blank">{{ partial "funcs/svg.html" (dict "context" . "username" $twitter) }}</a>
11 </li>
12 <li class="social-link social-instagram">
13 {{$instagram := "instagram"}}
14 <a href="{{ .instagram }}" target="_blank">{{ partial "funcs/svg.html" (dict "context" . "username" $instagram) }}</a>
15 </li>
16 <li class="social-link social-github">
17 {{$github := "github"}}
18 <a href="{{ .github }}" target="_blank">{{ partial "funcs/svg.html" (dict "context" . "username" $github) }}</a>
19 </li>
20 </ul>
21 </div>
22 {{ end }}