working on the blog listing page. Almost finished. Needs a few tweaks.
[] / assets / sass / libs / _my-mixins.scss
1 /// hide-visually mixin from Bourbon < >
2 ///
3 /// Hides an element visually while still allowing the content to be accessible
4 /// to assistive technology, e.g. screen readers. Passing `unhide` will reverse
5 /// the affects of the hiding, which is handy for showing the element on focus,
6 /// for example.
7 ///
8 /// @link
9 ///
10 /// @argument {string} $toggle [hide]
11 /// Accepts `hide` or `unhide`. `unhide` reverses the affects of `hide`.
12 ///
13 /// @example scss
14 /// .element {
15 /// @include hide-visually;
16 ///
17 /// &:active,
18 /// &:focus {
19 /// @include hide-visually("unhide");
20 /// }
21 /// }
22 ///
23 /// // CSS Output
24 /// .element {
25 /// border: 0;
26 /// clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px);
27 /// clip-path: inset(100%);
28 /// height: 1px;
29 /// overflow: hidden;
30 /// padding: 0;
31 /// position: absolute;
32 /// width: 1px;
33 /// }
34 ///
35 /// .hide-visually:active,
36 /// .hide-visually:focus {
37 /// clip: auto;
38 /// clip-path: none;
39 /// height: auto;
40 /// overflow: visible;
41 /// position: static;
42 /// width: auto;
43 /// }
44 ///
45 /// @since 5.0.0
47 @mixin hide-visually($toggle: "hide") {
48 @if not index("hide" "unhide", $toggle) {
49 @error "`#{$toggle}` is not a valid value for the `$toggle` argument in " +
50 "the `hide-visually` mixin. Must be either `hide` or `unhide`.";
51 } @else if $toggle == "hide" {
52 border: 0;
53 clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px);
54 clip-path: inset(100%);
55 height: 1px;
56 overflow: hidden;
57 padding: 0;
58 position: absolute;
59 white-space: nowrap;
60 width: 1px;
61 } @else if $toggle == "unhide" {
62 clip: auto;
63 clip-path: none;
64 height: auto;
65 overflow: visible;
66 position: static;
67 white-space: inherit;
68 width: auto;
69 }
70 }