# danixland-rofi
-A set of scripts for my personal Rofi theme. Follow the instructions and it should be pretty much drop and play, but it might need a little editing if your screen size is different or if you don't like the color scheme.
+A set of scripts for my personal Rofi theme. Follow the instructions and it should be pretty much drop and play, but it might need a little editing if your screen size is different or if you don't like the color scheme. The files are imported one on top of the other in a way similiar to Sass, so the screen resolution file and the color scheme file are in two separated files that can be tweaked without having to modify the whole theme.
## Getting Started
Copy the content of the **scripts** directory wherever you put your personal scripts, I use `~/bin` for my user scripts or `/usr/local/bin` for system wide scripts that can be used by all users on my system. In this case I have everything inside my home.
-Now copy the content of the **theme** directory inside `~/.config/rofi/themename` (change theme name to whatever you want to call it) and change "themename" to whatever you called it inside every single bash script.
+cp ~/Downloads/danixland-rofi/scripts/*.sh ~/bin
+chmod 755 ~/bin/danixland-*.sh
+Now copy the content of the **theme** directory inside `~/.config/rofi/themename` (change theme name to whatever you want to call it) and change "themename" to whatever you called it, inside every single bash script.
+mkdir ~/.config/rofi/danixland
+cd ~/.config/rofi/danixland
+cp -R ~/Downloads/danixland-rofi/theme/* .
+vim ~/bin/danixland-appsmenu.sh
+If you want you can rename the scripts as well. It's up to you.
+This theme uses the [Hurmit Nerd Font](https://www.nerdfonts.com/) for the icons you see on the buttons, if you want to use a different font you might need to adjust all the paddings. To check if an icon is available on the Hurmit Nerd Font you can go to [Nerd Font Cheat Sheet](https://www.nerdfonts.com/cheat-sheet) website and search for it.
### Prerequisites
Of course you need [rofi](https://github.com/davatorium/rofi) installed in your system.
In case you want to modify the theme you might need to have a look at [the wiki on how rasi themes work](https://github.com/davatorium/rofi/blob/1ab3e571eca1768d437246ca6ec09f44432b0e20/doc/rofi-theme.5.markdown), it's a dialect of CSS so it shouldn't be difficult.
+Being familiar with bash scripting might be useful ;)
### Does it looks like a bitch??!!
## Acknowledgments
-* [vahnrr](https://gitlab.com/vahnrr/rofi-menus/tree/master) is the original author of the rofi theme from which I took inspiration. I just adapted his work to my system and personal taste, so all the credits go back to him.
\ No newline at end of file
+* [vahnrr](https://gitlab.com/vahnrr/rofi-menus/tree/master) is the original author of the rofi theme from which I took inspiration. I just adapted his work to my system and personal taste, so all the credits go back to him.