--- /dev/null
+* {{
+ accent: rgba({foreground.rgb},1);
+ bg: rgba({background.rgb},1);
+ bg-trans: rgba({background.rgb},0.55);
+ bg-focus: rgba({color3.rgb},1);
+ fg: rgba({foreground.rgb},1);
+ fg-list: rgba({color2.rgb},1);
+ on: rgba({color3.rgb},1);
+ off: rgba({color4.rgb},1);
+ transparent: rgba({color7.rgb},0);
--- /dev/null
+# See dunst(5) for all configuration options
+ monitor = 0
+ follow = none
+ width = 300
+ height = 300
+ origin = top-right
+ offset = 10x50
+ scale = 0
+ notification_limit = 0
+ progress_bar = true
+ progress_bar_height = 10
+ progress_bar_frame_width = 1
+ progress_bar_min_width = 150
+ progress_bar_max_width = 300
+ indicate_hidden = yes
+ transparency = 15
+ separator_height = 2
+ padding = 8
+ horizontal_padding = 8
+ text_icon_padding = 0
+ frame_width = 3
+ frame_color = "{foreground}"
+ gap_size = 0
+ separator_color = frame
+ sort = yes
+ font = Inconsolata 12
+ line_height = 0
+ markup = full
+ format = "<b>%a</b>\n<i>%s</i>%p %n\n%b"
+ alignment = left
+ vertical_alignment = center
+ show_age_threshold = 60
+ ellipsize = middle
+ ignore_newline = no
+ stack_duplicates = true
+ hide_duplicate_count = false
+ show_indicators = yes
+ enable_recursive_icon_lookup = true
+ icon_theme = MB-Blueberry-Suru-GLOW
+ icon_position = left
+ min_icon_size = 32
+ max_icon_size = 128
+ icon_path = ~/.local/share/icons/MB-Blueberry-Suru-GLOW/status/48/:/usr/share/icons/MB-Blueberry-Suru-GLOW/devices/48/
+ sticky_history = yes
+ history_length = 20
+ dmenu = /usr/bin/rofi -theme darknix/main.rasi -dmenu -p dunst
+ browser = /usr/bin/xdg-open
+ always_run_script = true
+ title = Dunst
+ class = Dunst
+ corner_radius = 10
+ ignore_dbusclose = false
+ mouse_left_click = context, close_current
+ mouse_middle_click = do_action, close_current
+ mouse_right_click = close_all
+# to have a consistent behaviour across releases.
+ per_monitor_dpi = false
+ background = "{background}"
+ foreground = "{foreground}"
+ timeout = 10
+ background = "{color1}"
+ foreground = "{color6}"
+ timeout = 10
+ background = "{color1}"
+ foreground = "{color5}"
+ frame_color = "{color5}"
+ timeout = 0