+++ /dev/null
-Xcursor.theme: Oxygen_Zion
-!URxvt*inheritPixmap: true
-!URxvt*transparent: true
-! URxvt*shading: 0 to 99 darkens, 101 to 200 lightens
-URxvt*shading: 70
-URxvt.depth: 32
-URxvt.background: [75]#000000
-URxvt.scrollbar: false
+# fullscreen menu for all applications
# rofi -no-lazy-grab -show drun -theme blackpearl/appmenu
rofi -no-lazy-grab -show drun -theme darknix/appmenu.rasi
-# rofi_command="rofi -theme blackpearl/powermenu.rasi"
rofi_command="rofi -theme darknix/powermenu.rasi"
### Options ###
# Variable passed to rofi
sleep 1
- i3lock-fancy
+ betterlockscreen -l blur --off 60
-# $suspend)
-# sleep 1
-# i3suspend
-# ;;
+# Alt+F2 shortcut runner
rofi -no-lazy-grab -show run -theme darknix/runner.rasi
chosen="$(echo -e "$options" | $rofi_command -dmenu -selected-row 1)"
case $chosen in
- i3-scrot -d 3
+ scrot.sh -d 3
- i3-scrot -s
+ scrot.sh -s
rofi_command="rofi -theme darknix/utilsmenu.rasi"
+# window switcher
+# - Alt+Tab --> desktop
+# - Win+Tab --> all windows
case $1 in
all )
rofi_command="rofi -theme darknix/i3exit.rasi"
chosen="$(echo -e "$options" | $rofi_command -dmenu -selected-row 1)"
case $chosen in
- # take wallpaper.sh down with you
- for pid in $(cat /tmp/wallpaper.pid); do
- # sending all term signals. hopefully one of them will work!
- kill -15 $pid
- kill -1 $pid
- kill -9 $pid
- done
- rm /tmp/wallpaper.pid
+ # exit i3
i3-msg exit
+ # do nothing
exit 0
--- /dev/null
+set -e
+for p in $(seq 0 2 100); do
+ dunstify --icon preferences-desktop-screensaver \
+ -h int:value:$p \
+ -h string:x-dunst-stack-tag:progress-lock \
+ --urgency=critical \
+ --timeout=500 "lock screen in 10s " "move or use corners"
+ sleep 0.1
--- /dev/null
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+import json
+import os
+def make_element(name, scope, **kwargs):
+ """Helper function for generating color scheme entries"""
+ result = {}
+ result['name'] = name
+ result['scope'] = scope
+ result.update(kwargs)
+ return result
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ wal_path = os.path.join(os.environ["HOME"], '.cache/wal/colors.json')
+ with open(wal_path) as file:
+ wal_scheme = json.load(file)
+ wal_colors = [wal_scheme['colors']['color%d' % i] for i in range(16)]
+ result_scheme = {}
+ result_scheme['name'] = 'Pywal'
+ # global settings
+ global_settings = {}
+ global_settings['background'] = wal_scheme['special']['background']
+ global_settings['foreground'] = wal_scheme['special']['foreground']
+ global_settings['caret'] = wal_scheme['special']['foreground']
+ global_settings['invisibles'] = wal_colors[1]
+ global_settings['lineHighlight'] = wal_colors[2]
+ global_settings['selection'] = wal_colors[6]
+ # Color scheme elements
+ settings = []
+ settings.append(make_element('Comment', 'comment', foreground=wal_colors[2]))
+ settings.append(make_element('String', 'string', foreground=wal_colors[4]))
+ settings.append(make_element('Number', 'constant.numeric', foreground=wal_colors[5]))
+ settings.append(make_element('Built-in constant', 'constant.language', foreground=wal_colors[5]))
+ settings.append(make_element('User-defined constant', 'constant.character, constant.other',
+ foreground=wal_colors[5]))
+ settings.append(make_element('Variable', 'variable', fontStyle=''))
+ settings.append(make_element('Storage', 'storage', foreground=wal_colors[3], fontStyle=''))
+ settings.append(make_element('Storage type', 'storage.type', foreground=wal_colors[6], fontStyle='italic'))
+ settings.append(make_element('Class name', 'entity.name.class', foreground=wal_colors[1],
+ fontStyle='italic'))
+ settings.append(make_element('Inherited class', 'entity.other.inherited-class', foreground=wal_colors[1],
+ fontStyle='italic'))
+ settings.append(make_element('Function name', 'entity.name.function', foreground=wal_colors[1], fontStyle='italic'))
+ settings.append(make_element('Function argument', 'variable.parameter', foreground=wal_colors[6], fontStyle=''))
+ settings.append(make_element('Tag name', 'entity.name.tag', foreground=wal_colors[3], fontStyle=''))
+ settings.append(make_element('Tag attribute', 'entity.other.attribute-name', foreground=wal_colors[1],
+ fontStyle=''))
+ settings.append(make_element('Library function', 'support.function', foreground=wal_colors[6], fontStyle=''))
+ settings.append(make_element('Library constant', 'support.constant', foreground=wal_colors[6], fontStyle=''))
+ settings.append(make_element('Library class/type', 'support.class, support.type', foreground=wal_colors[6],
+ fontStyle='italic'))
+ settings.append(make_element('Library variable', 'support.other.variable', fontStyle=''))
+ settings.append(make_element('Invalid', 'invalid', fontStyle='',
+ foreground=wal_scheme['special']['foreground'], background=wal_colors[5]))
+ settings.append(make_element('Invalid deprecaded', 'invalid.deprecated', fontStyle='',
+ foreground=wal_scheme['special']['foreground'], background=wal_colors[4]))
+ result_scheme['globals'] = global_settings
+ result_scheme['rules'] = settings
+ result_scheme['semanticClass'] = 'theme.dark.pywal'
+ theme_path = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], '.config/sublime-text/Packages/User/PyWal.sublime-color-scheme')
+ with open(theme_path, 'w') as file:
+ json.dump(result_scheme, file, indent=4)
--- /dev/null
+# take a screenshot of the whole desktop or just a rectangular area
+# uses scrot to take the screenshot
+# uses dunstify to output a countdown in desktop mode
+OUTPUT_FILE="screenshot_$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S).png"
+# Analizza le opzioni
+while getopts "d:s" opt; do
+ case $opt in
+ d)
+ # capture the whole screen after n secs (3 if not specified)
+ count="$OPTARG"
+ if [[ ! $count =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then
+ count=3
+ fi
+ while [ $count -ge 1 ]; do
+ dunstify -i info -t 1000 -h string:x-dunst-stack-tag:scrotDesk "Taking screenshot in ${count}"
+ sleep 1
+ ((count--))
+ done
+ scrot -d 1 -F ${OUTPUT_FOLDER}/${OUTPUT_FILE}
+ sleep 1
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ s)
+ # capture selection
+ scrot -l mode=edge width=2 -s -F ${OUTPUT_FOLDER}/${OUTPUT_FILE}
+ sleep 1
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ \?)
+ echo "Invalid Option: -$OPTARG" >&2
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
# update firefox theme
pywalfox update
-# link background image to be used by firefox
+# update sublime_text theme
+# link background image to be used by whatever app needs it.
IMG=$(cat ~/.cache/wal/wal)
FNAME=$(basename -- $IMG)
ln -sf $IMG ~/.cache/wal/wpaper.${EXT}
+# update betterlockscreen images
+betterlockscreen -u $IMG
+ln -sf ~/.cache/betterlockscreen/1-VGA-1/blur.png ~/Pictures/wallpapers/.current/blur.png
+# restart hideIt for the bars
kill $(cat /tmp/hideIt-*.pid) || true
sleep 1
hideIt.sh --name "^polybar-top_VGA-1$" --hover --peek 3 --direction top --steps 25 & disown
--- /dev/null
+#! /bin/bash
+#set -ex
+[ -f $LOG ] && rm $LOG
+xscreensaver-command -activate
+xscreensaver-command -watch > /tmp/xsc.log &
+pid=$(pidof xscreensaver-command)
+while true; do
+ blank=$(tail -n 1 /tmp/xsc.log | cut -d ' ' -f1)
+ if [[ $blank == "UNBLANK" ]]; then
+ kill $pid
+ rm $LOG
+ break
+ fi
--- /dev/null
+Xcursor.theme: Oxygen_Zion
+! X colors.
+! Generated by 'wal'
+*foreground: {foreground}
+*background: {background}
+*.foreground: {foreground}
+*.background: {background}
+emacs*foreground: {foreground}
+emacs*background: {background}
+URxvt*foreground: {foreground}
+XTerm*foreground: {foreground}
+UXTerm*foreground: {foreground}
+URxvt*background: {background.alpha}
+XTerm*background: {background}
+UXTerm*background: {background}
+URxvt*cursorColor: {cursor}
+XTerm*cursorColor: {cursor}
+UXTerm*cursorColor: {cursor}
+URxvt*borderColor: {background.alpha}
+! Colors 0-15.
+*.color0: {color0}
+*color0: {color0}
+*.color1: {color1}
+*color1: {color1}
+*.color2: {color2}
+*color2: {color2}
+*.color3: {color3}
+*color3: {color3}
+*.color4: {color4}
+*color4: {color4}
+*.color5: {color5}
+*color5: {color5}
+*.color6: {color6}
+*color6: {color6}
+*.color7: {color7}
+*color7: {color7}
+*.color8: {color8}
+*color8: {color8}
+*.color9: {color9}
+*color9: {color9}
+*.color10: {color10}
+*color10: {color10}
+*.color11: {color11}
+*color11: {color11}
+*.color12: {color12}
+*color12: {color12}
+*.color13: {color13}
+*color13: {color13}
+*.color14: {color14}
+*color14: {color14}
+*.color15: {color15}
+*color15: {color15}
+! Black color that will not be affected by bold highlighting.
+*.color66: {color0}
+*color66: {color0}
+! Xclock colors.
+XClock*foreground: {foreground}
+XClock*background: {background}
+XClock*majorColor: rgba:{color15.xrgba}
+XClock*minorColor: rgba:{color15.xrgba}
+XClock*hourColor: rgba:{color15.xrgba}
+XClock*minuteColor: rgba:{color15.xrgba}
+XClock*secondColor: rgba:{color15.xrgba}
+! Set depth to make transparency work.
+URxvt*depth: 32
picom -b
xdg-user-dirs-update &
dunst &
-playerctld daemon &
-#dex -a -s ~/.config/autostart/ &
-#conky &
xscreensaver --no-splash &
/home/danix/bin/lightsOn.sh &
-#wicd-client --tray &
-# wallpaper.sh ~/Pictures/wallpapers/wallhaven/ &
-#xbacklight -set 100 &
-#~/.fehbg &
-#syndaemon -K -t -R -i 2 -d &
-#feh-blur -b 5 --no-animate -d &
-# ~/bin/wallpaper.sh ~/Pictures/wallpapers/Chrome_OS_Wallpapers_Late_2020/Element_by_Rutger_Paulusse/ &
-# /home/danix/Pictures/wallpapers/Walls-by-JFL/
-#lxqt-powermanagement &
-#xautolock -time 10 -locker i3lock-wrapper -notify 30 -notifier "notify-send 'locking the system' '30 seconds before locking system.' --icon=dialog-warning" &
-#compton --dbus --config ~/.config/compton.conf &
-#conky -c ~/.config/conky/qlocktwo.conkyrc &
+xautolock \
+ -time 5 \
+ -corners 0+-- \
+ -cornersize 10 \
+ -cornerdelay 1 \
+ -cornerredelay 5 \
+ -notify 11 \
+ -locker "betterlockscreen -l blur" \
+ -secure \
+ -notifier notify_screensaver.sh &