--- /dev/null
+function backup_data() {
+ echo "backing up data in $BACKUPDIR"
+ if [ -d $BACKUPDIR ]; then
+ if [ $(/bin/ls -A $BACKUPDIR) ]; then
+ echo "$BACKUPDIR is not empty. Cannot continue"
+ exit
+ else
+ echo "$BACKUPDIR is ok. Continuing!"
+ fi
+ else
+ # BACKUPDIR doesn't exists
+ echo "$BACKUPDIR doesn't exists"
+ read -r -p "Do you want me to create it for you? (y/N) " ANSWER
+ case $ANSWER in
+ y|Y )
+ mkdir -p $BACKUPDIR
+ ;;
+ * )
+ echo "No changes made. Exiting"
+ exit
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ # ok, we have a backup directory
+ if [ -r $RCFILE ]; then
+ BCKUP_COMM=$(rsync -avz --progress ${RCFILE} ${BASEDIR}/* ${BACKUPDIR})
+ else
+ BCKUP_COMM=$(rsync -avz --progress ${BASEDIR}/* ${BACKUPDIR})
+ fi
+ # run the command
+ if [ "$BCKUP_COMM" ]; then
+ echo -e "BASE directory:\t\t$BASEDIR"
+ echo -e "BACKUP directory:\t$BACKUPDIR"
+ echo; echo "BACKUP COMPLETED"
+ fi
+function backup_restore() {
+ echo "restoring backup"
text editor: ${EDITOR}
terminal: ${TERMINAL}
jq executable: ${JQ}
echo ""
echo "${BASENAME} parameters are:"
- echo " -h | --help : This help text"
- echo " -p | --plain : Output is in plain text"
- echo " (without this option the output is formatted)"
- echo " (this option must precede all others)"
- echo " -l | --list : List existing notes"
- echo " -a | --add [\"<title>\"] : Add new note"
- echo " -e | --edit [<note>] : Edit note"
- echo " -d | --delete [<note> | all] : Delete single note or all notes at once"
- echo " -s | --show [<note>] : Display note using your favourite PAGER"
- echo " -v | --version : Print version"
- echo " --userconf : Export User config file"
+ echo -e " -h | --help\t\t\t: This help text"
+ echo -e " -p | --plain\t\t\t: Output is in plain text"
+ echo -e "\t\t\t\t (without this option the output is formatted)"
+ echo -e "\t\t\t\t (this option must precede all others)"
+ echo -e " -l | --list\t\t\t: List existing notes"
+ echo -e " -a | --add [\"<title>\"]\t: Add new note"
+ echo -e " -e | --edit [<note>]\t\t: Edit note"
+ echo -e " -d | --delete [<note> | all] : Delete single note or all notes at once"
+ echo -e " -s | --show [<note>]\t\t: Display note using your favourite PAGER"
+ echo -e " -v | --version\t\t: Print version"
+ echo -e " --userconf\t\t\t: Export User config file"
+ echo -e " --backup [<dest>]\t\t: Backup your data in your destination folder"
echo ""
jq executable: ${JQ}
+ echo "Now I'll create the needed files and directories."
read -r -p "Do you wish to continue? (y/N) " ANSWER
case $ANSWER in
y|Y )
text editor: ${EDITOR}
terminal: ${TERMINAL}
jq executable: ${JQ}
echo ""
echo "${BASENAME} parameters are:"
- echo " -h | --help : This help text"
- echo " -p | --plain : Output is in plain text"
- echo " (without this option the output is formatted)"
- echo " (this option must precede all others)"
- echo " -l | --list : List existing notes"
- echo " -a | --add [\"<title>\"] : Add new note"
- echo " -e | --edit [<note>] : Edit note"
- echo " -d | --delete [<note> | all] : Delete single note or all notes at once"
- echo " -s | --show [<note>] : Display note using your favourite PAGER"
- echo " -v | --version : Print version"
- echo " --userconf : Export User config file"
+ echo -e " -h | --help\t\t\t: This help text"
+ echo -e " -p | --plain\t\t\t: Output is in plain text"
+ echo -e "\t\t\t\t (without this option the output is formatted)"
+ echo -e "\t\t\t\t (this option must precede all others)"
+ echo -e " -l | --list\t\t\t: List existing notes"
+ echo -e " -a | --add [\"<title>\"]\t: Add new note"
+ echo -e " -e | --edit [<note>]\t\t: Edit note"
+ echo -e " -d | --delete [<note> | all] : Delete single note or all notes at once"
+ echo -e " -s | --show [<note>]\t\t: Display note using your favourite PAGER"
+ echo -e " -v | --version\t\t: Print version"
+ echo -e " --userconf\t\t\t: Export User config file"
+ echo -e " --backup [<dest>]\t\t: Backup your data in your destination folder"
echo ""
function addnote() {
# remove eventually existing temp DB file
if [[ -f $TMPDB ]]; then
# shellcheck disable=SC2086,SC2091
+function backup_data() {
+ echo "backing up data in $BACKUPDIR"
+ if [ -d $BACKUPDIR ]; then
+ if [ $(/bin/ls -A $BACKUPDIR) ]; then
+ echo "$BACKUPDIR is not empty. Cannot continue"
+ exit
+ else
+ echo "$BACKUPDIR is ok. Continuing!"
+ fi
+ else
+ # BACKUPDIR doesn't exists
+ echo "$BACKUPDIR doesn't exists"
+ read -r -p "Do you want me to create it for you? (y/N) " ANSWER
+ case $ANSWER in
+ y|Y )
+ mkdir -p $BACKUPDIR
+ ;;
+ * )
+ echo "No changes made. Exiting"
+ exit
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ # ok, we have a backup directory
+ if [ -r $RCFILE ]; then
+ BCKUP_COMM=$(rsync -avz --progress ${RCFILE} ${BASEDIR}/* ${BACKUPDIR})
+ else
+ BCKUP_COMM=$(rsync -avz --progress ${BASEDIR}/* ${BACKUPDIR})
+ fi
+ # run the command
+ if [ "$BCKUP_COMM" ]; then
+ echo -e "BASE directory:\t\t$BASEDIR"
+ echo -e "BACKUP directory:\t$BACKUPDIR"
+ echo; echo "BACKUP COMPLETED"
+ fi
function editnote() {
# shellcheck disable=SC2155
echo "note not found"
exit 1
- exit
function listnotes() {
# [ $PLAIN == true ] && echo "output is plain text" || echo "output is colored"
# shellcheck disable=SC2317
+ --backup )
+ case "$2" in
+ '' )
+ read -r -p "Backup Dir: " BDIR
+ ;;
+ * )
+ BDIR=$2
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift 2
+ backup_data $BDIR
+ exit
+ ;;
-- )