* [rofi](https://github.com/davatorium/rofi) - Extremely customizable dmenu replacement, I use the git version.
* [picom](https://github.com/yshui/picom) - Lightweight compositor.
* [polybar](https://github.com/polybar/polybar/) - Lightweight but highly configurable bar.
+* [pywal](https://github.com/dylanaraps/pywal) - generate and change color schemes based on your wallpaper
### Installing
-The **bin** directory is where we'll store all executables, so you may want to add it to your path, otherwhise you could use something like `/usr/local/bin`, but make sure to fix every reference to your executables in the other files.
+You can rename the **home-bin** directory to `/home/youruser/bin` and that's where we'll store all executables, so you may want to add it to your path, otherwhise you could use something like `/usr/local/bin`, but make sure to fix every reference to your executables in the other files.
-**i3**, **conky**, **rofi** and **polybar** directories must go inside your `~/.config` directory, this is standard and you shouldn't have any problems with it.
+The **home-config** directory can be renamed to `~/.config`, this is standard and you shouldn't have any problems with it. If you already have one, simply copy the content to your folder.
+The **tmux** folder can be moved as-is in your home and made hidden by prepending a dot in front of the name. If you already have a folder, simply move the config file in it.
+Inside the **system-etc** directory you'll find files that go in `/etc` and are system-wide files. Feel free to modify whatever you want.
**Xresources**, **bash_profile**, **bashrc** and **xinitrc** are all hidden files and you should place them in your home prepending a dot to their names, so everything should look like this:
$> ls /home/danix
├── bin/
│ ├── blackpearl-appsmenu.sh
│ ├── blackpearl-powermenu.sh
-│ ├── blackpearl-runner.sh
-│ ├── blackpearl-scrotmenu.sh
-│ ├── blackpearl-sshmenu.sh
-│ ├── blackpearl-utilsmenu.sh
-│ ├── blackpearl-window.sh
-│ └── executors/
-│ ├── caps
-│ ├── inet
-│ ├── mail-check
-│ ├── psuinfo.py
-│ └── wifi-name
+│ └── [...]
├── .config/
-│ ├── compton.conf
│ ├── i3/
│ | └── config
-│ ├── conky/
-│ | └── qlocktwo.conkyrc
│ ├── rofi/
-│ | └── blackpearl/
-│ | ├── appmenu.rasi
-│ | ├── i3exit.rasi
-│ | ├── powermenu.rasi
-│ | ├── runner.rasi
-│ | ├── scrotmenu.rasi
-│ | ├── shared/
-│ | │ ├── reset.rasi
-│ | │ └── settings.rasi
-│ | └── utilsmenu.rasi
-│ └── tint2/
-│ ├── i3status.tint2rc
-│ └── minima.tint2rc
+│ | └── [...]
+│ ├── picom/
+│ | └── [...]
+│ ├── polybar/
+│ | └── [...]
+│ └── wal/
+│ └── [...]
+├── .tmux/
+│ ├── tmux.conf.danix
+│ └── [...]
+├── [...]
└── .xinitrc