Removed Genericons. Added dnxcf-font which is a subset of fontawesome.
authordanix <>
Wed, 4 Nov 2020 14:35:56 +0000 (15:35 +0100)
committerdanix <>
Wed, 4 Nov 2020 14:35:56 +0000 (15:35 +0100)
Removed every reference to gmaps. Added honeypot field. NEEDS TESTING!!

modificato:             danixland-contact-form.php
modificato:             include/dnxcf_helper.php
modificato:             include/dnxcf_mail_template_danixland.php
modificato:             include/dnxcf_options-display.php
modificato:             include/dnxcf_options-register.php
modificato:             include/dnxcf_settings.php
nuovo file:             style/dnxcf-font.css
modificato:             style/dnxcf_style.css
nuovo file:             style/font/dnxcf.eot
nuovo file:             style/font/dnxcf.svg
nuovo file:             style/font/dnxcf.ttf
nuovo file:             style/font/dnxcf.woff
nuovo file:             style/font/dnxcf.woff2
eliminato:              style/genericons/Genericons.eot
eliminato:              style/genericons/Genericons.svg
eliminato:              style/genericons/Genericons.ttf
eliminato:              style/genericons/Genericons.woff
eliminato:              style/genericons/genericons.css

18 files changed:
style/dnxcf-font.css [new file with mode: 0644]
style/font/dnxcf.eot [new file with mode: 0644]
style/font/dnxcf.svg [new file with mode: 0644]
style/font/dnxcf.ttf [new file with mode: 0644]
style/font/dnxcf.woff [new file with mode: 0644]
style/font/dnxcf.woff2 [new file with mode: 0644]
style/genericons/Genericons.eot [deleted file]
style/genericons/Genericons.svg [deleted file]
style/genericons/Genericons.ttf [deleted file]
style/genericons/Genericons.woff [deleted file]
style/genericons/genericons.css [deleted file]

index 7d5c8bd..e5348d3 100644 (file)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-defined( 'ABSPATH' ) or die( 'No script kiddies please!' );
+defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || die( 'No script kiddies please!' );
 Plugin Name:    danixland contact form
 Description:    A simple yet powerful contact form plugin
 Plugin URI:
-Version:        1.2
+Version:        1.3
 Author:         Danilo 'danix' Macr&igrave;
 Author URI:
 License:        GPL2
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Text Domain:    dnxcf
 global $dnxcf_form_version;
-$dnxcf_form_version = '1.2';
+$dnxcf_form_version = '1.3';
  * Add plugin i18n domain: dnxcf
@@ -42,63 +42,11 @@ if ( is_admin() ) {
 // Add Genericons, used in the contact form.
 function dnxcf_scripts() {
-       wp_enqueue_style( 'dnxcf_genericons', plugins_url( '/style/genericons/genericons.css', __FILE__ ), array(), '3.4.1' );
+       wp_enqueue_style( 'dnxcf_icons', plugins_url( '/style/dnxcf-font.css', __FILE__ ), array(), '1.3' );
        wp_enqueue_style( 'dnxcf_helper_style', plugins_url( '/style/dnxcf_style.css', __FILE__ ), array(), '4.4.2' );
 add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'dnxcf_scripts' );
- * This function displays a google map by adding a js script to the wp_footer
- * @since 1.0
- */
-function dnxcf_gmap_enqueue() {
-       global $dnxcf_options;
-       $dnxcf_options = get_option( 'dnxcf_options' );
-       $latitude = $dnxcf_options['dnxcf_latitude'];
-       $longitude = $dnxcf_options['dnxcf_longitude'];
-       $apikey = $dnxcf_options['dnxcf_apikey'];
-       $sitename = get_bloginfo( 'name' );
-       $siteurl = get_bloginfo( 'url' );
-       $sitemsg = $dnxcf_options['dnxcf_gmap_message'];
-       $visitus = __( 'Come visit us', 'dnxcf' );
-       $popup_content = <<< DNX6655788EOT
-<div id="content">
-    <div id="siteNotice">
-    </div>
-    <h1 id="firstHeading" class="firstHeading">$sitename</h1>
-    <div id="bodyContent">
-        <p>$sitemsg</p>
-        <p><a href="$siteurl">$visitus</a></p>
-    </div>
-       ?>
-       function initMap() {
-               var location = {lat: <?php echo $latitude; ?>, lng: <?php echo $longitude; ?> };
-               var map = new google.maps.Map( document.getElementById('dnxcf_gmap'), {zoom: 15, center: location} );
-               contentString = <?php echo json_encode( $popup_content ); ?>;
-               var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow( {content: contentString} );
-               var marker = new google.maps.Marker( {position: location, map: map, animation: google.maps.Animation.DROP} );
-               marker.addListener('click', function() {, marker); });
-       }
-<script src="<?php echo $apikey; ?>&callback=initMap" async defer></script>
-       <?php
-global $dnxcf_options;
-$dnxcf_options = get_option( 'dnxcf_options' );
-if ( ! empty( $dnxcf_options['dnxcf_apikey'] ) ) {
-       add_action( 'wp_footer', 'dnxcf_gmap_enqueue' );
  * The actual contact form displayed using a shortcode
  * @since 0.1
@@ -156,82 +104,89 @@ function dnxcf_display_form() {
                // security checks before submitting the form
                if ( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] == $_POST['_wp_http_referer'] && wp_verify_nonce( $_POST[ $dnxcf_form_name ], $dnxcf_form_action ) ) {
-                       $dnxcf_posted = array();
-                       // let's gather some data about the user submitting the form
-                       $dnxcf_ltd    = trim( strip_tags( stripslashes( current_time( 'mysql' ) ) ) );
-                       $dnxcf_hst    = trim( strip_tags( stripslashes( getenv( 'REMOTE_ADDR' ) ) ) );
-                       $dnxcf_ua     = trim( strip_tags( stripslashes( $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] ) ) );
-                       // our posted options, arranged in one nice array
-                       $dnxcf_posted['dnxcf_name'] = sanitize_text_field( $_POST['dnxcf_name'] );
-                       $dnxcf_posted['dnxcf_email'] = sanitize_email( $_POST['dnxcf_email'] );
-                       $dnxcf_posted['dnxcf_website'] = esc_url( $_POST['dnxcf_website'] );
-                       $dnxcf_posted['dnxcf_subject'] = sanitize_text_field( $_POST['dnxcf_subject'] );
-                       $dnxcf_posted['dnxcf_message'] = wp_kses( $_POST['dnxcf_message'], $valid_html );
-                       // let's begin with our email data, like receiver email, subject ecc.
-                       $dnxcf_to         = $dnxcf_options['dnxcf_recv_email'];
-                       $dnxcf_headers    = 'Reply-To: ' . $dnxcf_posted['dnxcf_email'];
-                       $dnxcf_subject    = __( 'Contact from "', 'dnxcf' ) . get_bloginfo( 'name' ) . '" - ' . $dnxcf_posted['dnxcf_subject'];
+                       // nonce and referrer are correct. Let's verify if the honeypot field is empty.
+                       if ( empty( $_POST['dnxcf_pagelikes'] ) ) {
-                       // check for our content type and arrange our info accordingly
-                       if ( 'text/html' == $dnxcf_email_output ) {
-                               require( apply_filters( 'dnxcf_template_file', dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/include/dnxcf_mail_template_danixland.php' ) );
-                               $dnxcf_email_data = array(
-                                       'ownname' => $dnxcf_options['dnxcf_recv_name'],
-                                       'site' => get_bloginfo( 'name' ),
-                                       'time' => $dnxcf_ltd,
-                                       'host' => $dnxcf_hst,
-                                       'ua' => $dnxcf_ua,
-                               );
-                               $dnxcf_message = dnxcf_email_content( $dnxcf_email_data, $dnxcf_posted );
-                       } else { // content_type is set to text/plain
-                               $dnxcf_message = sprintf(
-                                       __( "Hello \"%1\$s\",\nyou are being contacted by %2\$s on %3\$s.\n%4\$s has provided the following informations:\n\tEmail:\t\t%5\$s\n\tWebsite:\t%6\$s\n\tMessage:\n\n%7\$s", 'dnxcf' ),
-                                       $dnxcf_options['dnxcf_recv_name'],
-                                       $dnxcf_posted['dnxcf_name'],
-                                       get_bloginfo( 'name' ),
-                                       $dnxcf_posted['dnxcf_name'],
-                                       $dnxcf_posted['dnxcf_email'],
-                                       $dnxcf_posted['dnxcf_website'],
-                                       $dnxcf_posted['dnxcf_message']
-                               );
-                               $dnxcf_message .= "\n\n##-----------#-----------#-----------##\n\n";
-                               $dnxcf_message .= sprintf(
-                                       __( "We have also collected the following informations:\n\tBrowser:\t%1\$s\n\tTime:\t\t%2\$s\n\tIP Address:\t%3\$s\n", 'dnxcf' ),
-                                       $dnxcf_ua,
-                                       $dnxcf_ltd,
-                                       $dnxcf_hst
-                               );
-                       } // end check for mail_content_type
-                       $dnxcf_mailed = wp_mail( $dnxcf_to, $dnxcf_subject, $dnxcf_message, $dnxcf_headers );
-                       if ( $dnxcf_mailed ) {
-                               ?>
-                       <p id="dnxcf_success"><?php _e( 'your email was sent successfully. Here\'s the data you submitted via our form.', 'dnxcf' ); ?></p>
-                       <p>
-                               <dl>
-                                       <dt><?php _e( 'Your Name:', 'dnxcf' ); ?></dt>
-                                       <dd><?php echo $dnxcf_posted['dnxcf_name']; ?></dd>
-                                       <dt><?php _e( 'Your e-mail:', 'dnxcf' ); ?></dt>
-                                       <dd><?php echo $dnxcf_posted['dnxcf_email']; ?></dd>
-                                       <dt><?php _e( 'Subject of your message:', 'dnxcf' ); ?></dt>
-                                       <dd><?php echo $dnxcf_posted['dnxcf_subject']; ?></dd>
-                                       <dt><?php _e( 'Text of your Message:', 'dnxcf' ); ?></dt>
-                                       <dd><blockquote><?php echo wptexturize( wpautop( $dnxcf_posted['dnxcf_message'] ) ); ?></blockquote></dd>
-                               </dl>
-                       </p>
-                       <p><?php _e( 'we also collected some data for tecnical reasons.', 'dnxcf' ); ?></p>
-                       <p>
-                               <dl>
-                                       <dt><?php _e( 'Your IP address:', 'dnxcf' ); ?></dt>
-                                       <dd><?php echo $dnxcf_hst; ?></dd>
-                                       <dt><?php _e( 'Your Browser:', 'dnxcf' ); ?></dt>
-                                       <dd><?php echo $dnxcf_ua; ?></dd>
-                               </dl>
-                       </p>
-                       <?php } else { ?>
-                       <p id="dnxcf_result_failure"><?php printf( __( 'there was a problem processing your email. Please contact the <a href="mailto:%s">administrator</a>.', 'dnxcf' ), get_bloginfo( 'admin_email' ) ); ?></p>
-                       <?php } ?>
+                               $dnxcf_posted = array();
+                               // let's gather some data about the user submitting the form
+                               $dnxcf_ltd    = trim( strip_tags( stripslashes( current_time( 'mysql' ) ) ) );
+                               $dnxcf_hst    = trim( strip_tags( stripslashes( getenv( 'REMOTE_ADDR' ) ) ) );
+                               $dnxcf_ua     = trim( strip_tags( stripslashes( $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] ) ) );
+                               // our posted options, arranged in one nice array
+                               $dnxcf_posted['dnxcf_name'] = sanitize_text_field( $_POST['dnxcf_name'] );
+                               $dnxcf_posted['dnxcf_email'] = sanitize_email( $_POST['dnxcf_email'] );
+                               $dnxcf_posted['dnxcf_website'] = esc_url( $_POST['dnxcf_website'] );
+                               $dnxcf_posted['dnxcf_subject'] = sanitize_text_field( $_POST['dnxcf_subject'] );
+                               $dnxcf_posted['dnxcf_message'] = wp_kses( $_POST['dnxcf_message'], $valid_html );
+                               // let's begin with our email data, like receiver email, subject ecc.
+                               $dnxcf_to         = $dnxcf_options['dnxcf_recv_email'];
+                               $dnxcf_headers    = 'Reply-To: ' . $dnxcf_posted['dnxcf_email'];
+                               $dnxcf_subject    = __( 'Contact from "', 'dnxcf' ) . get_bloginfo( 'name' ) . '" - ' . $dnxcf_posted['dnxcf_subject'];
-                       <?php
+                               // check for our content type and arrange our info accordingly
+                               if ( 'text/html' == $dnxcf_email_output ) {
+                                       require( apply_filters( 'dnxcf_template_file', dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/include/dnxcf_mail_template_danixland.php' ) );
+                                       $dnxcf_email_data = array(
+                                               'ownname' => $dnxcf_options['dnxcf_recv_name'],
+                                               'site' => get_bloginfo( 'name' ),
+                                               'time' => $dnxcf_ltd,
+                                               'host' => $dnxcf_hst,
+                                               'ua' => $dnxcf_ua,
+                                       );
+                                       $dnxcf_message = dnxcf_email_content( $dnxcf_email_data, $dnxcf_posted );
+                               } else { // content_type is set to text/plain
+                                       $dnxcf_message = sprintf(
+                                               __( "Hello \"%1\$s\",\nyou are being contacted by %2\$s on %3\$s.\n%4\$s has provided the following informations:\n\tEmail:\t\t%5\$s\n\tWebsite:\t%6\$s\n\tMessage:\n\n%7\$s", 'dnxcf' ),
+                                               $dnxcf_options['dnxcf_recv_name'],
+                                               $dnxcf_posted['dnxcf_name'],
+                                               get_bloginfo( 'name' ),
+                                               $dnxcf_posted['dnxcf_name'],
+                                               $dnxcf_posted['dnxcf_email'],
+                                               $dnxcf_posted['dnxcf_website'],
+                                               $dnxcf_posted['dnxcf_message']
+                                       );
+                                       $dnxcf_message .= "\n\n##-----------#-----------#-----------##\n\n";
+                                       $dnxcf_message .= sprintf(
+                                               __( "We have also collected the following informations:\n\tBrowser:\t%1\$s\n\tTime:\t\t%2\$s\n\tIP Address:\t%3\$s\n", 'dnxcf' ),
+                                               $dnxcf_ua,
+                                               $dnxcf_ltd,
+                                               $dnxcf_hst
+                                       );
+                               } // end check for mail_content_type
+                               $dnxcf_mailed = wp_mail( $dnxcf_to, $dnxcf_subject, $dnxcf_message, $dnxcf_headers );
+                               if ( $dnxcf_mailed ) {
+                                       ?>
+                               <p id="dnxcf_success"><?php _e( 'your email was sent successfully. Here\'s the data you submitted via our form.', 'dnxcf' ); ?></p>
+                               <p>
+                                       <dl>
+                                               <dt><?php _e( 'Your Name:', 'dnxcf' ); ?></dt>
+                                               <dd><?php echo $dnxcf_posted['dnxcf_name']; ?></dd>
+                                               <dt><?php _e( 'Your e-mail:', 'dnxcf' ); ?></dt>
+                                               <dd><?php echo $dnxcf_posted['dnxcf_email']; ?></dd>
+                                               <dt><?php _e( 'Subject of your message:', 'dnxcf' ); ?></dt>
+                                               <dd><?php echo $dnxcf_posted['dnxcf_subject']; ?></dd>
+                                               <dt><?php _e( 'Text of your Message:', 'dnxcf' ); ?></dt>
+                                               <dd><blockquote><?php echo wptexturize( wpautop( $dnxcf_posted['dnxcf_message'] ) ); ?></blockquote></dd>
+                                       </dl>
+                               </p>
+                               <p><?php _e( 'we also collected some data for tecnical reasons.', 'dnxcf' ); ?></p>
+                               <p>
+                                       <dl>
+                                               <dt><?php _e( 'Your IP address:', 'dnxcf' ); ?></dt>
+                                               <dd><?php echo $dnxcf_hst; ?></dd>
+                                               <dt><?php _e( 'Your Browser:', 'dnxcf' ); ?></dt>
+                                               <dd><?php echo $dnxcf_ua; ?></dd>
+                                       </dl>
+                               </p>
+                               <?php } else { ?>
+                               <p id="dnxcf_result_failure"><?php printf( __( 'there was a problem processing your email. Please contact the <a href="mailto:%s">administrator</a>.', 'dnxcf' ), get_bloginfo( 'admin_email' ) ); ?></p>
+                               <?php }
+                       } else {
+                               // dnxcf_pagelikes was not empty. This is a problem. ?>
+                               <p id="dnxcf_spammer"><?php _e( 'looks like you don\'t belong here. We don\'t like spammers. Go away now!', 'dnxcf' ); ?></p>
+                       <?php }
                } else { // Houston we have a problem, spammer detected
                                // we might want to use the data we have and send a mail to the admin just in case...
@@ -243,41 +198,39 @@ function dnxcf_display_form() {
                $dnxcf_options = get_option( 'dnxcf_options' );
        <!-- begin #dnxcf_form -->
-       <form id="dnxcf_form" method="post" action="<?php echo htmlentities( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ); ?>">
-               <?php
-               wp_nonce_field( 'dnxcf_submit_' . $dnxcf_form_id, 'dnxcf_form_' . $dnxcf_pid, true, true );
-               if ( ! empty( $dnxcf_options['dnxcf_apikey'] ) ) :
-                       ?>
-               <h4><?php _e( 'Our location', 'dnxcf' ); ?></h4>
-               <div id="dnxcf_gmap"></div>
-               <?php endif; ?>
+       <form id="dnxcf_form" method="post" action="<?php echo esc_url( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ); ?>">
+               <?php wp_nonce_field( 'dnxcf_submit_' . $dnxcf_form_id, 'dnxcf_form_' . $dnxcf_pid, true, true ); ?>
                <p class="comment-notes"><?php _e( 'Required fields are marked ', 'dnxcf' ); ?><span class="required">*</span></p>
-               <fieldset id="dnxcf_formwrap">
+               <section id="dnxcf_formwrap">
                <?php if ( $dnxcf_options['dnxcf_privacy'] ) : ?>
-                       <fieldset id="dnxcf_privacy">
+                       <section id="dnxcf_privacy">
                                <h4><?php _e( 'Privacy:', 'dnxcf' ); ?></h4>
                                <div class="policy"><?php echo wpautop( wptexturize( $dnxcf_options['dnxcf_privacy'] ) ); ?></div>
-                       </fieldset>
+                       </section>
                <?php endif; ?>
-                       <fieldset id="dnxcf_personal">
+                       <section id="dnxcf_personal">
                                <h4><?php _e( 'Personal Informations:', 'dnxcf' ); ?></h4>
-                               <p class="dnxcf-name">
-                                       <label class="genericon genericon-user" for="name"><span class="screen-reader-text"><?php _e( 'Full Name', 'dnxcf' ); ?></span><span class="required">*</span></label>
+                               <p class="dnxcf-form-name">
+                                       <label class="dnxcf-user" for="name"><span class="screen-reader-text"><?php _e( 'Full Name', 'dnxcf' ); ?></span><span class="required">*</span></label>
                                        <input name="dnxcf_name" id="name" size="35" maxlength="40" type="text" placeholder="<?php _e( 'name', 'dnxcf' ); ?>" required autocomplete="name">
-                               <p class="dnxcf-email">
-                                       <label class="genericon genericon-mail" for="email"><span class="screen-reader-text"><?php _e( 'email address', 'dnxcf' ); ?></span><span class="required">*</span></label>
+                               <p class="dnxcf-form-email">
+                                       <label class="dnxcf-mail" for="email"><span class="screen-reader-text"><?php _e( 'email address', 'dnxcf' ); ?></span><span class="required">*</span></label>
                                        <input name="dnxcf_email" id="email" size="35" maxlength="50" type="email" placeholder="<?php _e( 'e-mail', 'dnxcf' ); ?>" required autocomplete="email">
-                               <p class="dnxcf-website">
-                                       <label for="website" class="genericon genericon-website"><span class="screen-reader-text"><?php _e( 'website', 'dnxcf' ); ?></span></label>
+                               <p class="dnxcf-form-website">
+                                       <label for="website" class="dnxcf-website"><span class="screen-reader-text"><?php _e( 'website', 'dnxcf' ); ?></span></label>
                                        <input name="dnxcf_website" id="website" size="35" maxlength="50" type="url" placeholder="<?php _e( 'website', 'dnxcf' ); ?>" autocomplete="url">
-                       </fieldset>
-                       <fieldset id="dnxcf_message">
+                               <p class="dnxcf-form-pagelikes">
+                                       <label for="pagelikes" class="dnxcf-like"><span class="screen-reader-text"><?php _e( 'pages you liked', 'dnxcf' ); ?></span></label>
+                                       <input name="dnxcf_pagelikes" id="pagelikes" size="35" maxlength="50" type="text" placeholder="<?php _e( 'what pages you liked?', 'dnxcf' ); ?>" autocomplete="off">
+                               </p>
+                       </section>
+                       <section id="dnxcf_message">
                                <h4><?php _e( 'your message:', 'dnxcf' ); ?></h4>
-                               <p class="dnxcf-subject">
-                                       <label class="genericon genericon-tag" for="subject"><span class="screen-reader-text"><?php _e( 'subject', 'dnxcf' ); ?></span><span class="required">*</span></label>
+                               <p class="dnxcf-form-subject">
+                                       <label class="dnxcf-tag" for="subject"><span class="screen-reader-text"><?php _e( 'subject', 'dnxcf' ); ?></span><span class="required">*</span></label>
                                        <select name="dnxcf_subject" id="subject" required>
                                        global $dnxcf_options;
@@ -289,15 +242,15 @@ function dnxcf_display_form() {
-                               <p class="dnxcf-message">
-                                       <label class="genericon genericon-comment" for="message"><span class="screen-reader-text"><?php _e( 'message', 'dnxcf' ); ?></span><span class="required">*</span></label>
+                               <p class="dnxcf-form-message">
+                                       <label class="dnxcf-message" for="message"><span class="screen-reader-text"><?php _e( 'message', 'dnxcf' ); ?></span><span class="required">*</span></label>
                                        <textarea name="dnxcf_message" id="message" cols="60" rows="12" placeholder="<?php _e( 'Comment Here', 'dnxcf' ); ?>" required></textarea>
-                       </fieldset>
-                       <fieldset id="dnxcf_send">
+                       </section>
+                       <section id="dnxcf_send">
                                <input type="submit" name="<?php echo $dnxcf_send_value; ?>" id="<?php echo $dnxcf_send_value; ?>" value="<?php _e( 'send message', 'dnxcf' ); ?>">
-                       </fieldset>
-               </fieldset><!-- #formwrap -->
+                       </section>
+               </section><!-- #formwrap -->
        <!-- end #dnxcf_form -->
index d6b4aa0..50c3739 100644 (file)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-defined( 'ABSPATH' ) or die( 'No script kiddies please!' );
+defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || die( 'No script kiddies please!' );
 // generate a unique code, allows for lenght parameter
 if ( ! function_exists( 'dnxcf_get_unique_code' ) ) {
@@ -15,32 +15,6 @@ if ( ! function_exists( 'dnxcf_get_unique_code' ) ) {
-// add button in edit pages to help include our form
-function dnxcf_show_form_button() {
-       $currentScreen = get_current_screen();
-       if ( $currentScreen->parent_base == 'edit' ) {
-               echo '<button type="button" id="dnxcf-contact-form" class="button" onclick="dnxcf_send_code()"><span class="dashicons dashicons-testimonial"></span> ' . __( 'Add Contact Form', 'dnxcf' ) . '</button>';
-       }
-add_action( 'media_buttons', 'dnxcf_show_form_button', 11 );
-// the actual function that outputs our shortcode once the button is pressed
-function dnxcf_insert_shortcode() {
-       $currentScreen = get_current_screen();
-       if ( $currentScreen->parent_base != 'edit' ) {
-               return;
-       } ?>
-       function dnxcf_send_code() {
-               //Send the shortcode to the editor
-               window.send_to_editor("[dnx_contactform]");
-       }
-       <?php
-add_action( 'admin_footer', 'dnxcf_insert_shortcode' );
 // set default options for the plugin
 function dnxcf_set_options() {
        $defaults = array(
@@ -60,10 +34,6 @@ function dnxcf_set_options() {
                // 2 = text/html
                'dnxcf_content_type'    => '1',
                'dnxcf_privacy'         => '',
-               'dnxcf_latitude'        => '38.2704',
-               'dnxcf_longitude'       => '16.2971',
-               'dnxcf_apikey'          => '',
-               'dnxcf_gmap_message'    => '',
                'dnxcf_DB_VERSION'      => '2',
        return $defaults;
@@ -106,10 +76,13 @@ function dnxcf_db_check() {
 // helper function that sets the current DB Version for comparison
+ * Latest DB version: 5
 function dnxcf_set_db_version() {
        // Define plugin database version. This should only change when new settings are added.
        if ( ! defined( 'DNXCF_CURRENT_DB_VERSION' ) ) {
-               define( 'DNXCF_CURRENT_DB_VERSION', 4 );
+               define( 'DNXCF_CURRENT_DB_VERSION', 5 );
@@ -144,6 +117,9 @@ if ( dnxcf_update_from_email() ) {
        add_filter( 'wp_mail_from', 'dnxcf_update_from_email' );
+ * Set the content type for the email
 function dnxcf_update_content_type() {
        global $dnxcf_options;
        $dnxcf_options = get_option( 'dnxcf_options' );
index 1c7d5b7..fe3d1a2 100644 (file)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-defined( 'ABSPATH' ) or die( 'No script kiddies please!' );
+defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || die( 'No script kiddies please!' );
  * danixland-contact-form standard Template
  * Template Name = danixland
index 4eb93de..24a6d15 100644 (file)
@@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
-defined( 'ABSPATH' ) or die( 'No script kiddies please!' );
-// usage:                   $id,                $title,                      $callback,                       $page
+defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || die( 'No script kiddies please!' );
+// usage:      $id, $title, $callback, $page
 add_settings_section( 'dnxcf_mailfrom_options', __( 'Sender email address', 'dnxcf' ), 'dnxcf_settings_mailfrom_section_text', 'dnxcf_options_sections' );
 add_settings_section( 'dnxcf_email_address', __( 'Recipient email address', 'dnxcf' ), 'dnxcf_settings_email_address_section_text', 'dnxcf_options_sections' );
 add_settings_section( 'dnxcf_content_type', __( 'Content type', 'dnxcf' ), 'dnxcf_settings_content_type_section_text', 'dnxcf_options_sections' );
 add_settings_section( 'dnxcf_subject_options', __( 'Subject', 'dnxcf' ), 'dnxcf_settings_subject_section_text', 'dnxcf_options_sections' );
 add_settings_section( 'dnxcf_privacy_policy', __( 'Privacy policy', 'dnxcf' ), 'dnxcf_settings_privacy_section_text', 'dnxcf_options_sections' );
-add_settings_section( 'dnxcf_googlemap', __( 'Google Map', 'dnxcf' ), 'dnxcf_settings_googlemap_section_text', 'dnxcf_options_sections' );
 // usage:    $id, $title, $callback, $page, $section, $args
 add_settings_field( 'dnxcf_setting_content_type_display', __( 'content type?', 'dnxcf' ), 'dnxcf_setting_content_type_display', 'dnxcf_options_sections', 'dnxcf_content_type' );
@@ -17,35 +15,32 @@ add_settings_field( 'dnxcf_setting_subject_display', __( 'subject options?', 'dn
 add_settings_field( 'dnxcf_setting_mailfrom_name_display', __( 'name?', 'dnxcf' ), 'dnxcf_setting_mailfrom_name_display', 'dnxcf_options_sections', 'dnxcf_mailfrom_options' );
 add_settings_field( 'dnxcf_setting_mailfrom_mail_display', __( 'email address?', 'dnxcf' ), 'dnxcf_setting_mailfrom_mail_display', 'dnxcf_options_sections', 'dnxcf_mailfrom_options' );
 add_settings_field( 'dnxcf_setting_privacy_display', __( 'policy text?', 'dnxcf' ), 'dnxcf_setting_privacy_display', 'dnxcf_options_sections', 'dnxcf_privacy_policy' );
-add_settings_field( 'dnxcf_setting_googlemap_apikey', __( 'GMaps API Key?', 'dnxcf' ), 'dnxcf_setting_googlemap_apikey_display', 'dnxcf_options_sections', 'dnxcf_googlemap' );
-add_settings_field( 'dnxcf_setting_googlemap_latitude', __( 'Latitude?', 'dnxcf' ), 'dnxcf_setting_googlemap_lat_display', 'dnxcf_options_sections', 'dnxcf_googlemap' );
-add_settings_field( 'dnxcf_setting_googlemap_longitude', __( 'Longitude?', 'dnxcf' ), 'dnxcf_setting_googlemap_long_display', 'dnxcf_options_sections', 'dnxcf_googlemap' );
-add_settings_field( 'dnxcf_setting_googlemap_message', __( 'Address?', 'dnxcf' ), 'dnxcf_setting_googlemap_message_display', 'dnxcf_options_sections', 'dnxcf_googlemap' );
 function dnxcf_settings_content_type_section_text() { ?>
-<p><?php _e( 'Here you can change the content type of your emails, either html or plain text.', 'dnxcf' ); ?></p>
+<p><?php esc_html_e( 'Here you can change the content type of your emails, either html or plain text.', 'dnxcf' ); ?></p>
 function dnxcf_settings_email_address_section_text() {
-<p><?php _e( 'This is the email address where you will receive all email from the contact form.', 'dnxcf' ); ?></p>
+<p><?php esc_html_e( 'This is the email address where you will receive all email from the contact form.', 'dnxcf' ); ?></p>
 function dnxcf_settings_subject_section_text() {
-<p><?php _e( 'These are the options that you are giving as a dropdown list to your users.', 'dnxcf' ); ?></p>
+<p><?php esc_html_e( 'These are the options that you are giving as a dropdown list to your users.', 'dnxcf' ); ?></p>
 function dnxcf_settings_mailfrom_section_text() {
-       <?php _e( 'Here you can set the sender email address for the contact form.', 'dnxcf' ); ?><br />
+       <?php esc_html_e( 'Here you can set the sender email address for the contact form.', 'dnxcf' ); ?><br />
        global $dnxcf_options;
        $dnxcf_options = get_option( 'dnxcf_options' );
+       // translators: %1$s = from name inside email; $2$s = from email address
        echo sprintf(
                __( 'The emails you will receive will be from: <code>%1$s < %2$s ></code>', 'dnxcf' ),
@@ -53,20 +48,14 @@ function dnxcf_settings_mailfrom_section_text() {
 <br />
-       <?php _e( 'so just make sure you whitelist this address in your mail client to avoid losing important messages.', 'dnxcf' ); ?>
+       <?php esc_html_e( 'so just make sure you whitelist this address in your mail client to avoid losing important messages.', 'dnxcf' ); ?>
 function dnxcf_settings_privacy_section_text() {
-<p><?php _e( 'Enter here the content of your privacy policy relative to the contact form.', 'dnxcf' ); ?></p>
-       <?php
-function dnxcf_settings_googlemap_section_text() {
-       ?>
-<p><?php _e( 'Here you can change various settings for the map that will be displayed on the form page. <strong>Note:</strong> if the API Key value is missing the map will be disabled.', 'dnxcf' ); ?></p>
+<p><?php esc_html_e( 'Enter here the content of your privacy policy relative to the contact form.', 'dnxcf' ); ?></p>
@@ -76,9 +65,9 @@ function dnxcf_setting_content_type_display() {
        // 1 = text/plain
        // 2 = text/html
-<input type="radio" name="dnxcf_options[dnxcf_content_type]" <?php checked( $dnxcf_options['dnxcf_content_type'], '1' ); ?> value='1' /> <?php _e( 'text/plain', 'dnxcf' ); ?><br />
-<input type="radio" name="dnxcf_options[dnxcf_content_type]" <?php checked( $dnxcf_options['dnxcf_content_type'], '2' ); ?> value='2' /> <?php _e( 'text/html', 'dnxcf' ); ?><br />
-<span class="description"><?php _e( 'Send plain (text) or rich (html) messages.', 'dnxcf' ); ?></span>
+<input type="radio" name="dnxcf_options[dnxcf_content_type]" <?php checked( $dnxcf_options['dnxcf_content_type'], '1' ); ?> value='1' /> <?php esc_html_e( 'text/plain', 'dnxcf' ); ?><br />
+<input type="radio" name="dnxcf_options[dnxcf_content_type]" <?php checked( $dnxcf_options['dnxcf_content_type'], '2' ); ?> value='2' /> <?php esc_html_e( 'text/html', 'dnxcf' ); ?><br />
+<span class="description"><?php esc_html_e( 'Send plain (text) or rich (html) messages.', 'dnxcf' ); ?></span>
@@ -87,7 +76,7 @@ function dnxcf_setting_email_name_display() {
        $dnxcf_options = get_option( 'dnxcf_options' );
 <input type="text" name="dnxcf_options[dnxcf_recv_name]" value="<?php echo $dnxcf_options['dnxcf_recv_name']; ?>" /><br />
-<span class="description"><?php _e( 'This is how you will be called in every email you will receive from this contact form.', 'dnxcf' ); ?></span>
+<span class="description"><?php esc_html_e( 'This is how you will be called in every email you will receive from this contact form.', 'dnxcf' ); ?></span>
@@ -96,7 +85,7 @@ function dnxcf_setting_email_address_display() {
        $dnxcf_options = get_option( 'dnxcf_options' );
 <input type="email" name="dnxcf_options[dnxcf_recv_email]" value="<?php echo $dnxcf_options['dnxcf_recv_email']; ?>" /><br />
-<span class="description"><?php _e( 'If you leave this field empty the admin email address will be used.', 'dnxcf' ); ?></span>
+<span class="description"><?php esc_html_e( 'If you leave this field empty the admin email address will be used.', 'dnxcf' ); ?></span>
@@ -105,7 +94,7 @@ function dnxcf_setting_subject_display() {
        $dnxcf_options = get_option( 'dnxcf_options' );
 <textarea name="dnxcf_options[dnxcf_subject]" rows="10" cols="80" /><?php echo implode( "\n", $dnxcf_options['dnxcf_subject'] ); ?></textarea><br />
-<span class="description"><?php _e( 'Insert one option per line. If you leave this area empty the default options will be used.', 'dnxcf' ); ?></span>
+<span class="description"><?php esc_html_e( 'Insert one option per line. If you leave this area empty the default options will be used.', 'dnxcf' ); ?></span>
@@ -114,7 +103,7 @@ function dnxcf_setting_mailfrom_mail_display() {
        $dnxcf_options = get_option( 'dnxcf_options' );
 <input type="email" name="dnxcf_options[dnxcf_from_email]" value="<?php echo $dnxcf_options['dnxcf_from_email']; ?>" /><br />
-<span class="description"><?php _e( 'This is the email address from which you will receive communications.', 'dnxcf' ); ?></span>
+<span class="description"><?php esc_html_e( 'This is the email address from which you will receive communications.', 'dnxcf' ); ?></span>
@@ -123,7 +112,7 @@ function dnxcf_setting_mailfrom_name_display() {
        $dnxcf_options = get_option( 'dnxcf_options' );
 <input type="text" name="dnxcf_options[dnxcf_from_name]" value="<?php echo $dnxcf_options['dnxcf_from_name']; ?>" /><br />
-<span class="description"><?php _e( 'This is the name associated to the above email address.', 'dnxcf' ); ?></span>
+<span class="description"><?php esc_html_e( 'This is the name associated to the above email address.', 'dnxcf' ); ?></span>
@@ -132,47 +121,6 @@ function dnxcf_setting_privacy_display() {
        $dnxcf_options = get_option( 'dnxcf_options' );
 <textarea name="dnxcf_options[dnxcf_privacy]" rows="10" cols="80" /><?php echo wptexturize( $dnxcf_options['dnxcf_privacy'] ); ?></textarea><br />
-<span class="description"><?php _e( 'The text of the privacy policy, Leave empty to disable the policy area in the form.', 'dnxcf' ); ?></span>
-       <?php
-// api key
-function dnxcf_setting_googlemap_apikey_display() {
-       $dnxcf_options = get_option( 'dnxcf_options' );
-       $dev_links = '';
-       ?>
-<input type="text" name="dnxcf_options[dnxcf_apikey]" value="<?php echo $dnxcf_options['dnxcf_apikey']; ?>" /><br />
-<span class="description"><?php _e( 'You need an API Key from the developers console in order to use Google Maps', 'dnxcf' ); ?></span><br />
-<span class="description"><?php echo sprintf( __( 'check the <a href="%s">documentation</a> on the google developers platform.', 'dnxcf' ), $dev_links ); ?></span><br />
-<span class="description"><?php _e( 'Leave empty to disable the display of a Google Map on the form.', 'dnxcf' ); ?></span>
-       <?php
-// map message
-function dnxcf_setting_googlemap_message_display() {
-       $dnxcf_options = get_option( 'dnxcf_options' );
-       ?>
-<input type="text" name="dnxcf_options[dnxcf_gmap_message]" value="<?php echo $dnxcf_options['dnxcf_gmap_message']; ?>" /><br />
-<span class="description"><?php _e( 'Address to be displayed as a popup inside the map. Leave empty to disable.', 'dnxcf' ); ?></span>
-       <?php
-// Longitude
-function dnxcf_setting_googlemap_long_display() {
-       $dnxcf_options = get_option( 'dnxcf_options' );
-       ?>
-<input type="number" name="dnxcf_options[dnxcf_longitude]" value="<?php echo $dnxcf_options['dnxcf_longitude']; ?>" step="0.000001" /><br />
-<span class="description"><?php _e( 'Longitude value, eg. 16.290340', 'dnxcf' ); ?></span><br />
-<span class="description"><?php _e( '+/- 180 degrees value accepted', 'dnxcf' ); ?></span>
-       <?php
-// Latitude
-function dnxcf_setting_googlemap_lat_display() {
-       $dnxcf_options = get_option( 'dnxcf_options' );
-       ?>
-<input type="number" name="dnxcf_options[dnxcf_latitude]" value="<?php echo $dnxcf_options['dnxcf_latitude']; ?>" step="0.000001" /><br />
-<span class="description"><?php _e( 'Latitude value, eg. 38.269625.', 'dnxcf' ); ?></span><br />
-<span class="description"><?php _e( '+/- 90 degrees value accepted', 'dnxcf' ); ?></span>
+<span class="description"><?php esc_html_e( 'The text of the privacy policy, Leave empty to disable the policy area in the form.', 'dnxcf' ); ?></span>
index e540806..5731573 100644 (file)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-defined( 'ABSPATH' ) or die( 'No script kiddies please!' );
+defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || die( 'No script kiddies please!' );
 // include the file with the actual markup for the options to display
 require( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/dnxcf_options-display.php' );
@@ -48,20 +48,6 @@ function dnxcf_setup_validate( $input ) {
                        'p' => array(),
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-               // latitude and longitude
-               $valid_input['dnxcf_gmap_message'] = ( '' == $input['dnxcf_gmap_message'] ? $default_options['dnxcf_gmap_message'] : sanitize_text_field( $input['dnxcf_gmap_message'] ) );
-               if ( '' != $input['dnxcf_latitude'] ) {
-                       $valid_input['dnxcf_latitude'] = ( preg_match( '/^[-]?[0-8]?[0-9]\.\d+|[-]?90\.0+?/A', $input['dnxcf_latitude'] ) ? $input['dnxcf_latitude'] : '' );
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-               if ( '' != $input['dnxcf_longitude'] ) {
-                       $valid_input['dnxcf_longitude'] = ( preg_match( '/[-]?1[0-7][0-9]\.\d+|[-]?[0-9]?[0-9]\.\d+|[-]?180\.0+?/A', $input['dnxcf_longitude'] ) ? $input['dnxcf_longitude'] : '' );
-               } else {
-                       $valid_input['dnxcf_longitude'] = '';
-               }
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@@ -76,11 +62,6 @@ function dnxcf_setup_validate( $input ) {
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                // subject options
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-               // latitude and longitude
-               $valid_input['dnxcf_gmap_message'] = $default_options['dnxcf_gmap_message'];
-               $valid_input['dnxcf_apikey'] = $default_options['dnxcf_apikey'];
-               $valid_input['dnxcf_latitude'] = $default_options['dnxcf_latitude'];
-               $valid_input['dnxcf_longitude'] = $default_options['dnxcf_longitude'];
        return $valid_input;
index 12eb5db..5ed0954 100644 (file)
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-    src: url("./Genericons.svg#Genericons") format("svg");
-  }
- * All Genericons
- */
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- * Helper classes
- */
-.genericon-rotate-90 {
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-       -moz-transform: rotate(90deg);
-       -ms-transform: rotate(90deg);
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- * Individual icons
- */
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-.genericon-activity:before { content: "\f508"; }
-.genericon-anchor:before { content: "\f509"; }
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-.genericon-bug:before { content: "\f50a"; }
-.genericon-cart:before { content: "\f447"; }
-.genericon-category:before { content: "\f301"; }
-.genericon-chat:before { content: "\f108"; }
-.genericon-checkmark:before { content: "\f418"; }
-.genericon-close:before { content: "\f405"; }
-.genericon-close-alt:before { content: "\f406"; }
-.genericon-cloud:before { content: "\f426"; }
-.genericon-cloud-download:before { content: "\f440"; }
-.genericon-cloud-upload:before { content: "\f441"; }
-.genericon-code:before { content: "\f462"; }
-.genericon-codepen:before { content: "\f216"; }
-.genericon-cog:before { content: "\f445"; }
-.genericon-collapse:before { content: "\f432"; }
-.genericon-comment:before { content: "\f300"; }
-.genericon-day:before { content: "\f305"; }
-.genericon-digg:before { content: "\f221"; }
-.genericon-document:before { content: "\f443"; }
-.genericon-dot:before { content: "\f428"; }
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