+// Add Shortcode\r
+function dnxwporg_stats_shortcode() {\r
+ $author = sanitize_user(get_option('dnxwporg_author'), true);\r
+ $description = get_option('dnxwporg_description');\r
+ $desc_content = get_option('dnxwporg_desc_content');\r
+ $linkto = get_option('dnxwporg_linkto');\r
+ $use_icons = get_option('dnxwporg_use_icons');\r
+ /* we recover the data from the option if it is set, otherwhise we call the retrieve function directly */\r
+ $option_stats = get_option('dnxwporg_plugins_stats');\r
+ $plugins = ( false === $option_stats ? dnxwporg_get_plugins_stats() : $option_stats );\r
+ ob_start(); ?>\r
+ <div class="dnxwporg_container">\r
+ <?php if ($description) { ?>\r
+ <div class="dnxwporg_description">\r
+ <?php if (empty($desc_content)) : ?>\r
+ <p class="dnxwporg-pl-standard-desc"><?php printf( _n('%s contributed <span class="dnxwporg-pl-count">%s</span> plugin with <span class="dnxwporg-pl-dloads">%s</span> total downloads and an average rating of <span class="dnxwporg-pl-avg-rating">%s</span>', '%s contributed <span class="dnxwporg-pl-count">%s</span> plugins with <span class="dnxwporg-pl-dloads">%s</span> total downloads and an average rating of <span class="dnxwporg-pl-avg-rating">%s</span>', $plugins['total_plugins'], 'dnxwporg' ), $author, $plugins['total_plugins'], $plugins['total_downloads'], $plugins['average_rating'] ); ?></p>\r
+ <?php else : ?>\r
+ <p class="dnxwporg-pl-custom-desc"><?php echo $desc_content; ?></p>\r
+ <?php endif; ?>\r
+ </div>\r
+ <?php } ?>\r
+ <div class="dnxwporg_pl_list_container">\r
+ <ul class="dnxwporg_pl_list">\r
+ <?php foreach ($plugins as $name => $data) { \r
+ if (is_array($data) ) : ?>\r
+ <li class="dnxwporg_pl_item">\r
+ <a class="dnxwporg-pl-link" href="<?php echo ($linkto ? $data['dir_link'] : $data['home_link']) ?>">\r
+ <?php if ($use_icons) : ?>\r
+ <img class="dnxwporg-pl-link-icon" src="<?php echo $data['icon']; ?>" alt="<?php echo $name; ?>">\r
+ <?php endif; ?>\r
+ <span class="dnxwporg-pl-link-name"><?php echo $name; ?></span>\r
+ </a>\r
+ <p class="dnxwporg-pl-stats">\r
+ <span class="dnxwporg-pl-tot-dloads"><?php echo $data['downloaded']; ?></span>\r
+ <span class="dnxwporg-pl-avg-vote"><?php echo $data['avg_rating']; ?></span>\r
+ </p>\r
+ </li>\r
+ <?php endif;\r
+ } ?>\r
+ </ul>\r
+ </div>\r
+ </div>\r
+ \r
+ <?php $output = ob_get_clean();\r
+ return $output;\r
+add_shortcode( 'dnxwporg_stats', 'dnxwporg_stats_shortcode' );\r
+// Add Shortcode\r
+function dnxwporg_single_stats_shortcode( $atts ) {\r
+ // Attributes\r
+ $a = shortcode_atts(\r
+ array(\r
+ 'total_dl' => 0,\r
+ 'avg_dloads' => 0,\r
+ 'pl_count' => 0,\r
+ ),\r
+ $atts\r
+ );\r
+ /* we recover the data from the option if it is set, otherwhise we call the retrieve function directly */\r
+ $option_stats = get_option('dnxwporg_plugins_stats');\r
+ $plugins = ( false === $option_stats ? dnxwporg_get_plugins_stats() : $option_stats );\r
+ \r
+ // Build the $output variable\r
+ $output = "";\r
+ if ($a['total_dl']) {\r
+ $output = $plugins['total_downloads'];\r
+ } elseif ($a['avg_dloads']) {\r
+ $output = $plugins['average_rating'];\r
+ } elseif ($a['pl_count']) {\r
+ $output = $plugins['total_plugins'];\r
+ }\r
+ return $output;\r
+add_shortcode( 'dnxwporg_single_stat', 'dnxwporg_single_stats_shortcode' );\r
+ * Shortcode that returns the plugin icon if existing\r
+ */\r
+function dnxwporg_plugin_icon( $atts ) {\r
+ // Attributes\r
+ $a = shortcode_atts(\r
+ array(\r
+ 'plugin_name' => '',\r
+ ),\r
+ $atts\r
+ );\r
+ \r
+ /* we recover the data from the option if it is set, otherwhise we call the retrieve function directly */\r
+ $option_stats = get_option('dnxwporg_plugins_stats');\r
+ $plugins = ( false === $option_stats ? dnxwporg_get_plugins_stats() : $option_stats );\r
+ \r
+ $name = $a['plugin_name'];\r
+ // Build the $output variable\r
+ $output = "";\r
+ if (array_key_exists($name, $plugins) && ! empty($plugins[$name]['icon'])) {\r
+ $output = $plugins[$name]['icon'];\r
+ } else {\r
+ $output = "";\r
+ }\r
+ return $output;\r
+add_shortcode( 'plugin_icon', 'dnxwporg_plugin_icon' );\r