edited another article to trigger the post-receive hook
[danix.xyz.git] / content / is / _index.md
1 ---
2 title: about danix.xyz
3 author: Danilo M.
4 type: page
5 menu: "main"
6 draft: false
7 date: 2009-06-01T22:04:43+00:00
8 Sto ascoltando:
9 - kickapoo by tenacious d
10 Mi sento:
11 - "allegro ma un po' stanco"
12 ---
14 {{< gravatar mail="danixland@gmail.com" class="alignright" size=200 >}}
16 Welcome to danix.xyz, my name is Danilo but you can call me danix.
18 What is this website? Well, **danix.xyz** is my personal website, in here you can read about everything I find interesting, you'll find the code I write, WordPress plugins or themes, php or bash scripts that I use on my systems, and programs that I find interesting.
20 I use this website to keep track of all the snippets of code that I tend to forget, I consider this website like my notepad (in the hope that it can turn useful to somebody else).
22 I deeply dislike sharing readers data with other companies so you can be sure that **all** the data I collect from my readers will be kept secure and used only to improve the way my readers enjoy the pages and posts I write. Read more about [my Privacy Policy]({{< ref "legal" >}} "Privacy Policy here at danix.xyz").