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2title: "Privacy Policy"
3date: 2021-06-16T16:22:25+02:00
4draft: false
5type: page
8This website is **danix's ramblings**, the place where I, Danilo 'danix' M. share my thoughts about computers, GNU/Linux and life in general.
10The URL where you can reach this website is <>.
12In this privacy statement I will inform you about how this website handles personal data. This privacy statement does not apply to websites that are linked to or from these pages.
14By using this website you agree to the following privacy statement and also to collect and / or use of your information by me as described below.
16I reserve the right to change this statement at any time without prior notice.
18## Active Collection of Informations
3b6d43d5 20On the contact page of this website you will be asked for a specific purpose for your name, email address or other non-confidential information. Your answer to these questions is on a completely voluntary basis. This information is collected for the purpose of replying to your inquiries and to improve the information to you, the user. Further information can also be used for spam filtering by automated systems
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3b6d43d5 22I may use this data, for example, to notify you about new posts via email if you decide to be informed, or you could fill up the form when leaving a message and the informations you leave will be used to better identify you as the sender.
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3b6d43d5 24Since the collection of informations is on a voluntary basis, you can avoid leaving any _Personally Identifiable information_ (PII) and the site will not collect any from you.
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26## Passive Collection of Informations
3b6d43d5 28I do not collect domain data for the purpose of analysis on site through any external services. The web server that is running this website stores IP addresses in a log file but these are not connected to any _PII_, The only use I have for this information is to block potential hackers from breaking into the system.
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30## Comments
3b6d43d5 32Comments are disabled on this website, the only way to interact with me is by submitting a message through the contact form.
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34## Who I share your data with
c9d591ac 36**I don't sell your data to anyone, nor I exchange it for services or any other good. Your privacy is my major concern.**
38## How long your data is retained
3b6d43d5 40I will keep a copy of the messages I receive for as long as it is required in order for me to reply to such messages.
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42## Cookies
3b6d43d5 44Pages on this site don't use “cookies”. Cookies are small text files that are dependent on the personal settings on your browser and are automatically placed on a user’s computer. These text files are used for registration to the websites and to suit your needs on your next visit. Cookies can not read data on your computer's hard drive.
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3b6d43d5 46Being browser dependent, you can change your browser settings to automatically accept or refuse cookies.
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49## How to disable third party services cookies
51While I don't use either of these services for data tracking, you might find content from these sites embedded on these pages. By following the links below you'll be able to disable cookies specific to those platforms.
53 * [Google][2]
54 * [Facebook][3]
55 * [twitter][4]
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