/* * DARKNIX utilsmenu rofi theme * tested on a 1366x768 screen */ /* IMPORTS */ @import "libs/settings.rasi" @import "libs/reset.rasi" scrollbar { disabled: true; } window { fullscreen: true; background-color: @bg-trans; width: 100%; position: north; } mainbox { children: [ listview ]; border: 0; padding: 0; } listview { columns: 2; lines: 1; expand: false; cycle: true; spacing: 4em; /* 60px is the height of the items */ padding: calc(50% - 5em) 22em; orientation: horizontal; } element { border: 1px; border-radius: 1em 2em; border-color: @accent; background-color: @bg; orientation: horizontal; padding: 2em 0; } element selected { background-color: @accent; /* border-color: @bg-focus;*/ } element-text { font: "Inconsolata Nerd Font 70"; horizontal-align: 0.35; vertical-align: 0.5; } element-text selected { text-color: @bg; }