{{/* * The video shortcode: * All arguments are optional, except for src which is where you define your video file * This shortcode supports only webm video files. * Args: * class: [string] The class(es) to give to the video block. * width: [int] The width of the video * height: [int] The height of the video * autoplay: [bool] true or false for autoplay - defaults to false * loop: [bool] true or false for loop - defaults to false * mute: [bool] true or false for mute - defaults to false * * Usage: * {{< video src="my-awesome-video.mp4" width=600 height=600 autoplay=true loop=true mute=true class="some class" >}} * * Output: * * */}} {{ $ext := (.Get "src") | path.Ext }} {{ $filetype := slicestr $ext 1}}