{{/* Taken from https://www.brycewray.com/posts/2022/06/responsive-optimized-images-hugo/ */}} {{- $respSizes := .Site.Params.imageSizes -}} {{- $src := .Get "src" -}} {{- $source := resources.Get $src -}} {{- $alt := .Get "alt" -}} {{- $divClass := .Get "divClass" -}} {{/* The styling in $imgClass, below, makes an image fill the container horizontally and adjust its height automatically for that, and then fade in for the LQIP effect. Feel free to adjust your CSS/SCSS as desired. */}} {{- $imgClass := "animate-fade" -}} {{- $dataSzes := "(min-width: 1024px) 100vw, 50vw" -}} {{/* Now we'll create the 20-pixel-wide LQIP and turn it into Base64-encoded data, which is better for performance and caching. */}} {{- $LQIP_img := $source.Resize "20x jpg" -}} {{- $LQIP_b64 := $LQIP_img.Content | base64Encode -}} {{/* $CFPstyle is for use in styling the div's background, as you'll see shortly. */}} {{- $CFPstyle := printf "%s%s%s%v%s%v%s" "background: url(data:image/jpeg;base64," $LQIP_b64 "); background-size: cover; background-repeat: no-repeat; width: " $source.Width "px; height: " $source.Height "px;" -}} {{/* Then, we create a 640-pixel-wide JPG of the image. This will serve as the "fallback" image for that tiny percentage of browsers that don't understand the HTML `picture` tag. */}} {{- $actualImg := $source.Resize "640x jpg" -}}
{{/* Now we'll build the `picture` which modern browsers use to decide which image, and which format thereof, to show. Remember to put `webp` first, since the browser will use the first format it **can** use, and WebP files usually are smaller. After WebP, the fallback is the universally safe JPG format. */}} {{ $alt }}